A Human Realm Christmas

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In this, Belos never took Hunter over, and they hadn't found the Rebus or anything. Halloween was just normal, though they did go on the Hayride. So Flapjack is still alive, and Hunter is still slightly less traumatized.

Hunter's POV:

"EVERYONE WAKE UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!" Luz shouted, jumping from the stairs to on the couch, then falling off and on top of me, making me cough and groan in pain. She got up, about to run for Mipha as I sat up, yelling out to her:
"Luz no! Remember what happens when you scare-"
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Luz was hit with a blast of water before she was incased up to her neck and then trapped in the newly form pillar of ice. All the while Mipha was still sound asleep and rolling over to have her back face us.

Gus and I started laughing, Luz was not amused though. I got up, carefully walking over to Mipha and kneeling next to her, hovering my hand over her arm, forcing a reaction as she rolled over, her hand reaching up and taking my hand as she grumbled, beginning to wake up on her own.
"Mmmm... morning..." I smiled, leaning down and kissing her head as Celeste grabbed her glasses, handing them to me as I gently placed them on her face, letting her adjust to the clear vision before her eyes locked onto Luz.

"Oh my Titan! I'm so sorry!" She sat up, removing the ice and drawing the water off of Luz, making me laugh as Luz slipped and fell over.
"It's ok! I forgot about how waking you up is more dangerous than Belos" Mipha shrank in her spot, feeling awful about it before Luz shook her head.
"Anyways, it's christmas! Mama's made pancakes!" Luz squealed, before running upstairs.

"She's certainly less depressed than usual" Gus got up, fixing his hair.
"Yeah well... she's been excited for us to experience another Human Holiday, since the hayride brought back some... unpleasent 'memories', ya know? Christmas might be different here in the human realm than it is in the Boiling Isles, Luz just wants to share it with us" I nodded, helping Mipha up. We went upstairs, our palisman following behind as Mipha went to the kitchen. grabbing some pancakes and cutting them up, before coming to the living room and placing the cut up food into the pet bowls we had for the palisman.

"Flapjack! Celeste! Tell the other's it's breakfast time" she yelled, both birds chirping and going to the other's, telling each one of the food before all of them ran to the bowls, beginning to eat.
Nice thing about them being palisman is that they can eat everything they want to, no limitations except for their own personal tastes.
We all sat down, eating our food before Luz stood up, taking all our plates and washing them at a blinding speed.

"Luz wants you all to open your gifts, she was going on about it while helping me cook breakfast" Camila laughed, Mipha looking outside to see the fluffy snow. She got up, walking over and staring out the window.
"We can go outside later if you want to" I rubbed her back, before hugging her side. 
"No, it's ok. Outside is a little cold" we walked over to the couch as we all gathered around the tree. Our palisman began sorting the gifts, Flapjack finding any for me and dropping them by my feet, Celeste finding Mipha's, Ghost finding Amity's, you get the idea. 

After about 5 minutes, each of us had a solid pile in front of us. 
Camila's pile was the biggest, since all of us really wanted to thank her for all her hard work. 

We began opening gifts, Gus got a bucket, and some cd's. I got some cosmic frontier shirts, and a pair of wolf ears on a headband. Amity got a sweater, an purple heart clasp purse, and a headband to hide her ears. Willow got gardening supplies, Vee got more hexus hold'em cards, and some sweaters. Luz got a bunch of gel pens and paper for glyphs, not that we could use glyphs here.
Then there was Mipha, no one really knew what to get her, and everyone seemed scared to ask her, so she ended up just getting a sketchbook, pencils, and a few packs of markers. She smiled, happy to have more drawing stuff, but I knew she hasn't been drawing much as of late, she's been so worried about her parents, and so focused on the portal that she hasn't had much time to. She certainly keeps herself busy.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now