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Good News! Because of all the leaks, I have the chapters for "For the Future" written and ready! The first one will be published on January 22nd. <3

This chapter is based off of something that happened when I visited my family for New Years. I have text to speech on my tablet and I uh... confused my mother with it. Love non-verbal episodes. 
Any text between * is the text to speech.
For example,
*Vote for chapters, and leave comments because comments make me really happy*


Hunter's POV:

We were driving back home from getting groceries, I had found this thing called a "Squishmallow" and wanted to buy one for Mipha! There was a blue octopus one, so I grabbed that one since it was adorable, and reminded me of my beautiful girlfriend.
We all ended up picking one out. Vee, Willow, Luz, and myself went shopping this time. Leaving Mipha, Amity, and Gus back at the house with the palisman.

Luz had grabbed a cat one for Amity, a dragon one for herself. Willow grabbed a butterfly, and Vee grabbed a dinosaur. I, myself grabbed this cute Wolf one. Vee also grabbed a parrot one for Gus. 
We got back to the house, but when we got to the porch, all we heard was Gus yelling. Luz opened the door, showing Amity and Mipha sitting on the couch with Gus pacing in front of them. Mipha was huddled up in blankets with her tablet in her hands.

*coconuts have water in them*
"BUT WHAT ARE COCONUTS?!" Gus pulled at his hair as he kept pacing, Mipha and Amity laughing at him. We brought in the groceries, Mipha seeing me and squealing, bouncing in her spot.

*Boyfriend!* I smiled at her, a little confused before Camila laughed.
"Ah! I see you're using that new text to speech app I got you! Moi Bueno!" it clicked in my mind when she said that.
Mipha's having a non-verbal episode.

*coconuts have water in them* Mipha smiled at me, her eyes practically sparkling as I nodded my head.
"Interesting, what's a coconut?"
"THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN ASKING!" Gus fell onto the ground, sobbing in defeat as Mipha squealed again, kicking her feet inside their blanket prison. 

*coconuts have water in them* she kept smiling and tapping the button, making me snicker.
*coconuts have water in them*
*coconuts have water in them*
*coconuts have water in them*

I sat beside her, rubbing her back as Luz came over and handed Amity her plushie.
"Aw it's so cute! Thank you, Luz!" she smiled as I remembered the Octopus, pulling it out of the bag I had and handing it to Mipha. 
She inspected it, before grabbing her tablet.

*Thank you. Octopus. Hunter* the tablet spoke, pauses between some words since she was pressing different buttons to make it talk. She leaned over, placing a kiss on my cheek before she stood up, her blankets dragging behind her as she walked to the basment door and went downstairs. All the while she was making her tablet say that thing about Coconuts over and over again.

"She must really like that coconut button..." I snickered, looking to Amity.
"Yeah, we set up different buttons for her to use. Ones with our names, basic questions, but one of the preset examples was that coconut one, and she loves it now. Once she inputed about... a million button prompts for saying she loves you, she started clicking the coconut one. It's driving Gus crazy" we looked back to Gus, who was in the fetal position rocking back and forth.

"What is a coconut?" he mumbled, clearly traumatized by this text to speech app.

"Can you help Camila and the other's with the groceries? I think I'm gonna take Mipha to that cafe down the street. I'm sure she'll love to tell the other humans about coconuts" Amity and I laughed as she nodded and went to help the others. I grabbed my wolf plush, heading downstairs and being greeted by Flapjack.

"Hey Flap!" I scratched under his chin, making him puff out his feathers and chitter happily.
*Hunter. Sit. Coconuts have wat- Sit. Sit. Sit. Hunter. I love you. Sit* she kept tapping the buttons, making me laugh again as I walked over to her bed and sat down beside her as she happily kept pressing buttons.

*Sit. Sit. Sit. Thank you. Love. Love. Hunter. Flapjack's for break- Flap-Flapjack. Love. Coconuts have- Flapjack* I started laughing as she smiled. She's just being silly now. 
"I love you too" she smiled wide, leaning in and kissing me hard. The force made me fall on my back as she squealed and fell on top of me. We started laughing together before I gently guided her lips to mine and kissed her again, it being sloppy because we were both laughing the entire time.
We relaxed, kissing eachother softly but passionately, our lips upturned into smiles as we kissed. My hands went into her hair as she carressed my cheek, rubbing her thumb on my scar as I took a quick breath and continue kissing her again. She pressed into me before she put her hand down on the blanket and-
*Coconuts have water in them*

I snorted, laughing hysterically with her as we got up, sitting upright before we both froze, looking to the stairs to see Luz, Amity, and Willow standing there. Amity had a few photo's in her hands as Willow had her camera raised to us.

"We were coming down to give you money for the cafe... but uh... We walked into a romance movie instead" Amity smiled, tossing my wallet to me.
"You two were really going at it... I thought you guys were about to lose clothing" Luz snickered as I went BRIGHT red, Mipha falling onto her back and pulling at her eyelids.

"We... WE'RE 16 AND 17! WE'RE MINORS! WHAT THE HELL, LUZ?!" I yelled, the three of them burst out laughing and ran upstairs.
"Man! What is- we can't kiss now? UGH! LUZ!" Mipha was laughing in her own little non-verbal way, the gasps and squeaks were adorable, making me smile at her as I sat back down, scooting next to her and pecking her cheek.

She looked to me, sparkles in her golden eyes before she grabbed her tablet.

*Kiss. Again. Hunter. Please?" she looked at me with hopeful eyes as I shook my head and leaned to her.
"Of course, Sunshine" She smiled, closing the gap and putting her hand behind my head, before she leaned back and took me with her. I propped myself on my forearms, my hands in her hair as I massaged her scalp. She let out happy hums as we kissed, her thumb going back to rubbing my scar as she pet my shaved hair. I was absolutely obsessed with this moment, wanting it to last forever as we seperated for air, Mipha smiling and pecking my lips again before she pulled me onto her and into a hug.

"Feeling affectionate today, aren't you?" I felt her nod as I wrapped my arms around her and rolled to the side, our foreheads resting against each other as she hummed happily. I adore this girl, she's my everything. 
"Wanna go to that cafe? Get you that Hot Chocolate you liked. Then when we get back we can watch Bluey, snuggle, eat some popcorn as I give you all the kisses you could ever want" she squealed, happy as she got out of my grip, getting up and grabbing the tablet and her messenger bag. She whistled, Flapjack and Celeste flying over and snuggling into her bag together. She offered me her hand, smiling wide as I took it and got up.

"Alright, Sunshine. For the rest of the afternoon, and all of tonight, I am yours" she jumped up and down, hugging me tight before we started up the stairs. 

"Oi Mijo's! I don't want to have to have you guys keep the basement door open when it's just you two down there, be responsable, ok?" I scowled, Mipha whimpering and digging her face into my shoulder.
"Whatever Luz told you, it wasn't accurate. We were just kissing, we would never-"
"Alright, enjoy your date!" we nodded, opening the door and heading out.

*coconuts have water in them*
*coconuts have water in them*
*coconuts have water in them*
*coconuts have water in them*
*coconuts have water in them*

"Coconuts have water in them" I snickered, Mipha jumping as she walked with me. I started saying the phrase along-side the robot voice, making Mipha overjoyed as we walked.

She deserves the world, she's so precious.
Still wondering what a coconut is... but aparently,

It has water in it.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat