A Wolf in School

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In this, everyone goes to Hexide, Hunter is in beast keeping and potions. Mipha would be in bard. 
This is kind of a sequal to my favorite oneshot- "Worst Date Scenario"

Here we go!

Mipha's POV:

"You want me to test this? What does it do?" I asked Luz as she handed me a potion during lunch. 
"It's supposed to change your hair color... lasts one whole week, worked on Willow, see?"
"Oh, I thought you had that done last night" I shrugged as we all laughed.
"Nope! Luz's potion did this! I swung by to drop off Stringbean since she came to visit Clover, and I agreed to test the potion!" I nodded as we all started talking about the pros and cons.
"Come on! It's a new hair color for a week! Look how good Willow's hair looks!" Luz insisted, making me role my eyes and agree. I took the potion, drinking it.

"Ew, you gotta work on the taste, it's like rotten apples" my statement made Luz and Willow look at eachother confused.
"It should taste like grape juice, not... rotten apples" Luz pondered, before taking the potion bottle from me.

"It's the right potion, same vial... I wonder why it tasted so bad"
"Also it isn't doing anything to Mipha's hair-" I gasped at Willow, taking some of my hair in my hand and looking at it, seeing it was the same as ever.
"It should've changed your hair right away... hm... I'll have to putter with it more I guess" she shrugged, but now I was worried I drank poison. 

"Mipha you look fine, don't worry so much" Amity smiled, nudging my shoulder as we all went back to our lunches. We kept eating before Hunter and Gus arrived at the table with 5 minutes remaining.

"Hello Sunshine" he came and kissed the top of my head, making me smile as he sat next to me.
"How was your Cosmic Frontier meeting?" I asked, upset I couldn't attend due to my classes. the free period just didn't line up for me, maybe next semester. 
"It was good, would be better if you were there-"
"Puh-lease! We all know if Mipha went you wouldn't focus! You'd just be kissing her and snuggling her the whole time" Gus snickered as Hunter pretended to be offended.
"I would not! I can multitask!" none of us could stop laughing before the bell screamed.

"Here, I grabbed some hex mix and a jam sandwich for you, eat it on your way to class" I kissed his cheek, about to pull away before he caught me mid movement and kissed my lips. He's super affectionate, especially here at school since it means he gets to show me off- though I'm not sure why he's so proud of our relationship, everyone here treats me the same as in the coven, especially Boscha. 

"You have baseball after school, right?" I nodded, gaining another quick kiss as a result before he turned and started walking towards his next class. 
"Mipha! You coming?" Luz called to me, waving her arm as I made my way over to her. Celeste was happily snoozing in my bag, and since my next class was with Luz that meant Stringbean will want to snuggle with Celeste. 

We began walking, but thats when my head started getting super itchy... same with my lower back.

"You alright?" Luz asked as Stringbean slithered into my bag and snuggled up with Celeste.
"Yeah! Just super itchy all of a sudden- Ugh! I hate itchy!" I groaned as Luz grew worried as we walked.

"Hey Human! How'd your potion go?" Boscha came over to us, making me roll my eyes as I kept scratching my head.
"Why do you care Boscha?" Luz snarled, Boscha clicking her tongue and beginning to pace around us.
"Just wanted to know how you like the wolf fur I put in it when you were talking to half-a-witch"
"You... you what?" I stammered, my eyes beginning to burn a bit and my teeth began to ache.

"Oh man, don't tell me Bard Owl here drank it! That's hilarious! If you weren't already a freak, you sure are one now! Look at your eyes and teeth you freak show!" she laughed as I pulled my scroll out, turning the camera to me and seeing the fangs and wolf-like eyes I now had as the burning calmed down. 
In an instant I groaned in pain as my head began pounding and my lower back began to send a shooting pain through my spine. I was breathing heavily as Luz crouched down beside me and grabbed onto my forearms, keeping me steady as I was in a lot of pain.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now