Loved and Lost

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I hope you guys liked the "For the Future" chapters on the main book. I really put my all into them. I had a lot of fun writing them, as well as ripping all your hearts out :)

Onto the oneshot! 
This is non-canon. Let's imagine the Day of Unity was stopped WITHOUT the Collector getting out, mk? 

Happy reading~

Hunter's POV:

"We're here to help!"
"Did you think we wouldn't come after you?"
"Yeah girl, get with it" Gus, Amity, and Willow smiled as Mipha and Willow restrained Belos. We got here rather fast, the draining spell was active, but it hadn't been long. 
Mipha looked awful, her sigil is moving through her quickly. Mine was up to my elbow, but she already had her veins going beneath the waist band of her jeans. It was halfway up her neck as well, she looked pained and exhausted.

"You guys are LITERALLY the coolest!" Luz commended before Belos began to struggle against the vines. 
Mipha brought out spikes of ice, limiting where Belos could move as Willow added more vines to the mix.
"We need to get him to stop the draining spell, but he's gone all BESERK mad!"
"It's his curse! He's not exactly in control of himself in this form! His anger has taken over!" Mipha shouted, wincing in pain as her sigil veins seemed to grow faster each time she used her magic.

"I branded him with a sigil! That's what triggered this!" Mipha gasped as Willow lost her grip and Belos broke free, but not before he managed to weaken the bridge we were on. Rubble began to fall around us, Mipha immediately diving to me and spinning her staff, knocking it away before she fell to her knees.
"I'm fine! Help the other's while I catch my breath!" I nodded, leaning down to kiss her head before running to the other's to help.

Gus had run to the side to get King out of danger as Belos thrashed around, gaining his bearings as we fended him off as best we could. Mipha got on her feet, stancing herself for defense if needed as Belos lunged at Willow, failing as Luz and Amity threw his face into the ground with a mix of abomination and ice. 

"Nice one guys!" Mipha called, clenching an outstretched fist as some ground burst up, fortifying the bridge so it wouldn't collapse while we were on it. 
"Weh!" King shouted, blasting Belos' back as he doubled over and let out a fierce roar as Willow went to restrain him again. 

"Alright Belos! Time to calm down a little!" Gus stepped in front, using his magic amplifier to go into his mind. He groaned, before screaching and breaking free once again. He went to attack Gus, but not before I could teleport and get Gus out of the way. I was losing feeling in my arm, Belos charging at us but stopping short in front of me.

"Hunter, why are you hurting me? I only wanted to help you" he pleaded, my heart breaking as I watched the man I saw as family attack my new friends. 
"You're... You're lying!" I cried, Belos spotting Flapjack and growing enraged.
"CALEB!" He roared before he was knocked down by something over head.

I looked up, seeing my beautiful girlfriend blast my dead-beat uncle with fire. I smiled up at her as she distracted him. 
"Over there! There's gotta be something about how to stop the spell!" Willow shouted as she and Luz went over to a table of files. I turned back, seeing Belos was now completely occupied and focused on Mipha. She was dodging around him, flying circles around him as Amity ran to help with looking through the books.

"Go help them! I can handle him!"
"But your sigil!"
"GO!" I saluted her before running to the others to help.

"I think I remember seeing a file on the draining spell before... I didn't understand what it was at the time but it should be over here!" I called to the other's who began to help me dig through a pile. All we could hear behind us were explosions and fire. 

I was desperately searching for an answer, I could hear Mipha behind us starting to slow down. Why did I leave her there?! Her sigil is draining her magic and energy, and yet we all just left her there to fight on her own despite all that.
I'm a horrible boyfriend!

"Someone should go help her! I don't want her getting hurt!" I called to the others, none of them moving as I glanced back at Mipha. She was still flying around at a blinding speed, keeping Belos distracted. She seemed to have made him forget about the rest of us. 
"FOUND IT!" Luz shrieked, bringing the paper over to the rest of us.

"The only way to stop the spell, is to kill the caster" We all grew somber at the thought of taking a life. I shook the thought, grabbing a nearby knife and turning to my uncle.

"Guys! I don't think I can keep him at bay much long-AH!"
"MIPHA!" I shrieked as Belos swatted Mipha from the air, grabbing the handle of her staff and taking Celeste as Mipha fell to the ground, hitting a pillar before she hit the ground, groaning in pain before she just stopped moving.

"Parasite... now for the rest of you" Belos drew out, turning to us as tears filled my eyes. I was watching Mipha's body, desperately hoping she would move, but she wasn't budging. 
"HOW COULD YOU!" Luz yelled as Belos approached us, Celeste gripped in his hand, crying out for her owner.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt