Anesthesic Rambles

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This was requested by Abby_Deamonne.
Thanks for the idea!

Hunter's POV:

Well, today was the day.
Last week, Mipha got a Maws spike lodged into her stomach. She's been in the infirmary since then, and this morning she had surgery to remove it. Maws spikes are venomous, so Mipha was in a lot of pain all week, they had to wait for the venom in the spike to run out before they could do surgery, otherwise it could've paralyzed her. Maws are weird, they tunnel in the ground then shoot up to try and eat you, if they fail, they flop around the surface and shoot their spikes out until they're able to burrow back into the ground. 

Raine, Darius, Eberwolf and I have been visiting her all week, but like I said, she was in a lot of pain all week. I walked through the halls in my uniform, I had finished my shift, and Mipha's surgery should've ended an hour ago. I had to admit I had a smile on my face, I was excited to see her, hopefully she won't be in pain. 
I got to the infirmary, walking passed the nurses and heading into Mipha's room. Raine was sitting next to her as she looked around. I took my mask off, removing cloak as well as Raine looked to me, looking like they've been laughing for a while, they got smile lines.

"Woooah... snakes!" she flung her arm to the side, pointing to the blank white wall beside her.
"Uhm... Hi?"
"Hello Hunter, she's up, but she's uh... loopy" Raine snickered, letting me pull a chair on Mipha's other side and sit down as she continued looking around.

"My favorite color pepper is RED pepper..." she looked to Raine, who just kept rubbing her arm.
"You don't like pepper's, Sweetheart" Mipha frowned, groaning and shaking her head.
"My name, is Booboo-bapboo... not sweetheart... just ask Stephanie!" She gestured to the nurse who came in, who began laughing as they checked her IV and heart monitor. 

"Mipha, her name is Ashley, we've been over this" Raine was trying so hard to not laugh at their daughter as I just sat there. 
"Is Hunter coming? I miss him... I miss my cuddly bear..." she whimpered, growing sad despite me being right here.
"Should we tell her I'm here?"
"Let her find you on her own, I hate to say it, but it's kind of funny" they began recording, most likely for Eda's viewing.

"I miss him... he's so cuddly, I love him. Nini I miss him" she began to cry, making Raine laugh. Feels bad laughing at her crying, but like... come on, this is funny in a wholesome way.
"Wanna tell me what else you like about-"
"NO NO NO! I don't like him! I LOVE him! Stephanie, back me u- she's not Stephanie... her name is ASHLEY. Why???" She sobbed, before looking over to me and her pupils dialating all the way.

"You look like my Goldieeee" she cried, wiping her tears as I snickered, trying so hard to keep my composure. I REALLY didn't want to laugh at her, but she's just so wholesome like this.
"Nini! He looks like Hunter! I wanna kiss him but I caaaaaaan't" I lost it, bursting out laughing as Raine struggled to hold their camera still. 

"Mipha, that IS Hunter. That is your boyfriend" Mipha gasped, looking back to me as she began to sob violently. 
"My Hunter! My snuggle-boy!" she reached for me, making me smile and lean over so she can hug me. 
"Hi Meephs, how ya feeling?" She started leaving very sloppy and poorly aimed kisses on my face, she nearly kissed my eyeball. 
"Stephanie's been taking good care of me" the nurse snickered, Mipha stopping for a moment before groaning.

"IT'S ASHLEY NOT STEPHANIE!" She squeaked out, huddling up in her blankets as Ashley came over and took her blood pressure. 

"Blood pressure is a little high, but that tends to be normal after waking up from the anethesia. If it doesn't go down within the hour, we may have to sedate her again to get her calm" Raine nodded as their scroll started ringing, a smile on their face before they answered the call.

"Hey Rainestorm! How's my Owlet?" Raine pointed the camera to Mipha, who now had me in a loving head lock as I struggled to breath a little bit.
"Mom! This is my boyfriend! Did you know that his hair is soft and smells like trees?"
"My hair smells like trees...?" I mumbled, hearing Eda snort in laughter. 

"I see him! You've got him locked tight there! Don't choke him" she smiled as Mipha squished my head a bit before letting me go. I twisted my neck a bit, shaking my head and hearing the joints crack a bit. Mipha gasped, staring at me before she started crying again.

"Woah! Meephs, what-"
"You snapped your neck! How will you seeeeeeee?" she rolled over, a blubbering mess. Ashley laughed at this, switching out the IV bags.
"I want snuggles" she mumbled, making me look to Raine, who looked to Ashley. 
"You can get in with her, just be wary of the wires" I nodded, removing my armor and climbling in beside her and tucking us into the blankets. Raine helped adjust everything as Mipha moved to lay on my chest. She stayed quiet as I began rubbing circles on her back. Raine took some photos as they continued to talk to Eda, being careful to mute her when someone came in so no one would know Eda was Mipha's mother.

"I love you... you're so snuggly... so snuggly... snuggle-bum... so many snuggles... and kisses, I love when you give me kisses... I love kisses... they make me feel fluttery like a butterfly. I wish I could fly, flying would be fun" she mumbled, growing tired as the anesthesia did it's job, wearing off but still making her tired. 

"Relax, Raine and I aren't going anywhere" I whispered, kissing her head a few times before the door opened, revealing Darius.
"Ah, I see the Little Prince made it here alright" he smirked, taking the chair I was in before I got into the bed. Darius observed Mipha as she started falling asleep, occassionally muttering something none of us could hear or understand.
She'll be ok, will say I feel bad that she had no control over what she said. Her mind is mush right now. But it's silly, and adorable.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now