A New Kind of Date

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45 Parts, WOW!
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Mipha's POV:

I was pacing the backyard, worrying my head off as time was ticking.
It was my turn to decide what Hunter and I did for a date this afternoon, and I wanted this time to be different!

"Mipha, your boiling steps are killing the grass. Calm down!" Amity chuckled as I noticed the steam coming off my steps. 
"Shit!" I drew water from the clouds, the grass going back to it's normal healthy state as I walked over to the gravel, the stones steaming as I began pacing again.

"You don't need to be worrying this much! Just do what you usually do for your date day!"
"Amity, every time it's my turn to plan a date, we just snuggle on the couch and watch Bluey! That's so... boring in comparison to his dates!" I began biting my nails, Amity snickering.
"I'll have you know Hunter LOVES snuggling with you on the couch watching Bluey! He's told us he loves how relaxed your dates are, and he looks forward to it" I shook my head, the gravel lighting on fire. 
We shrieked, Amity using her abomination magic to put the fire out as I made a small whirlwind beneath me to keep me off the ground so I don't boil or set fire to everything I touch. 

"Every week, he comes up with something new and exciting for us to do! I wanna put just as much love and thought into it as he does!" I groaned, curling up as the wind around me picked up to adjust to my movements and keep me airborn. 
"Yeah, bowling was pretty fun last week!" she smiled, remembering our double date that Hunter chose. 

"What did you two do to hang out in the Emperor's Coven?" I thought for a moment, feeling calm enough to stand on the ground before sitting beside her against the tree. 
"There was a hill just outside Bonesborough where you could see the ribs and head of the Titan perfectly... we would spend hours just sitting and talking... but there's no hills or parks like that here in Gravesfield... trust me, I've checked" I crossed my arms, checking the time on my scroll and seeing I only had an hour before Hunter would be back with Luz and Willow for our date. They were getting snacks for tomorrow's movie night. 

"What about a picnic?" 
"No... that's so... ordinary. I want this to be special. Something that reminds us of how we met... maybe not, we met when I plowed him down in front of Nini's office... but the first real friendship moment we shared! That would be special!" I smiled, staring at the clouds before something clicked into my head.

"I'VE GOT IT! I'VE GOT AN IDEA!" I jumped onto my feet, stimming as I jumped up and down and shook my hands.

"Amity! I need to a picnic basket!"
"I thought picnic's were too ordi-"
"PICNIC BASKET!" I ran into the house, smiling ear to ear as I slid around the corner and jumped on the railing to the basment, sliding down and nearly knocking straight into Gus.

"Hey! Watch-"
"Sorry! Basket!" I squealed, holding up the picnic basket and dusting it off, wasting no time in bolting back up the stairs and into the kitchen, startling Camila.

"Oh! Que estas haciendo, Sandia?" I smiled, rumaging through the cupboards as Camila watched me with an amused and concerned smile.
"Picnic!" I bounced on my heels, beginning to make sandwiches as Camila started laughing, beginning to grab supplies for drinks and snacks to help me out. I was giggling like a child as I bounced around the kitchen, grabbing and prepping everything I felt I would need for this to work.
Once the picnic basket was ready, I went back downstairs, much to Gus' dismay as I jogged to my side of the room and went behind the curtain. I crouched down, gently poking my palisman.

"Come on you lazy butt! I've got an idea but I need your help" I giggled, continuing to poke her as she untucked herself, staring at me highly unamused before she stretched her wings out. I held my arm to her, letting her gently latch on and yawn as I made my way back upstairs. I grabbed the basket alongside a blanket Camila was letting me use.
"Come on, Cell! We've got some work to do!"

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now