Human Realm Work Out

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Hunter's POV:

Willow, Mipha, and I were on a run, we've been trying to do this more since Luz is so busy with school. It's also a nice distraction from all the stress. We were almost to the park, finishing off the 5km run we were doing. It's interesting to see each of our physical statures, like for example, Mipha is the faster runner, and she's the most flexible. I'm the most agile, and best in hand to hand combat. Willow is the strongest physically, Mipha coming in a close second, while I'm the weakest, but even then, those differences are close together. We're all very strong, just in different ways.

We reached the park, Mipha slowing down and panting for breath, leaning on the lamp post to catch her breath. 
"We made it! Need the water, Mipha?" Mipha nodded, happily taking the water from Willow and downing it, leaving very little for the rest of us.
"Shit, sorry... I'll go refill it-"
"No worries, Sunshine, I'm good for now" we all laughed at how thirsty she was. Reminds me of our training days in the coven, Mipha would drink like 2 gallons of water per training session. 

We made our way to the benches, Mipha sitting down and wiping her sweat. 
"When you catch your breath, can you show me those yoga moves? I wanna try them again" Willow bounced in her spot, punching the air and hopping left and right.
"You sure you don't want me to show you proper fighting stances?" I chuckled, Willow hitting my arm as we laughed.
"I'll show you the moves, Willow. I could use a good stretch" she nodded, taking her hair out of her pony tail and gathering it again, catching all the fly-aways and putting them back in place, tying it off.

"Shoot, my glasses are all foggy. Willow, glasses run? I'll refill the water while I'm by the fountain" Willow handed Mipha her glasses, watching as she then got up and started to head to the public restrooms, where the water fountain was. Willow and I began stretching, shaking out any nerves and pent up energy.

"Hey handsome, haven't seen you around" I turned to see a girl standing rather close to me, looking me up and down. She had hot pink hair, and very heavy eye makeup on.
"Uh... hi?" I shrugged, stopping my stretches as Willow slowed down, surveying the situation.
"Your bicep game is on point! Are you a body builder? Maybe you could give me some pointers" she batted her eyelashes at me, making me grow mildly uncomfortable. I was wearing a tighter tank top than normal, but that's because it's one of Mipha's, mine were all in the wash this morning when we left. 

Is this girl trying to flirt? She's... not doing a very good job. 

"Uhm..." I looked to Willow, who looked like she was ready to punch this girl. 
"I work out regularily? It's just... routine, I guess, you could join us if you want?" I tried to be nice, but I really didn't know what to do right now. How do you handle human girls?

"Maybe we could do some one on one?" she pushed, stepping closer and barely making our chests touch. Willow coughed, making us turn to her, myself very thankful she noticed my struggle.
"He has a girlfriend, back off" the girl's face twisted into a sour expression, looking Willow up and down before turning back to me, smirking.
"Really? I don't see her" She put her hand on her hip, trying to be indimidating as I grimaced, really not into whatever this girl is doing.

"Turn around" Mipha spat, making me sigh in relief as she walked to us, tossing her sweater onto the bench. Mipha was practically glowing, wearing a sports bra. Her toned muscles glistening in the sunlight, shining from the sweat. I've never seen her so... exposed. Now that I think about it, I've never seen more than her arms and legs exposed.
She has a 6 pack...
How did I never know my girlfriend was practically ripped?

"Now you see her, so back off" she snarled, the girl's confident stature faultering for a split second, before returning to her cocky demeanor.
"Well, I don't see much. You paint those on to impress him?" she gestured to her abdomen. I winced, knowing this would piss her off, not that she wasn't already.

Mipha handed Willow her now clean glasses, stepping back to the girl, practically pressing against her. The girl then tried to slap Mipha, but failed as her scout instincts kicked in, grabbing her hand, before twisting around to be at the backside of the girl, tensing and throwing her over her shoulder, watching her bash into the dirt and cough from the impact. Mipha knelt down, pressing her knee onto the girls back as she screamed out.

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