Raine's Struggle

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Raine's POV:

~3 weeks old~

"Please sleep... please go to sleep! please go to sleep! I've used every lullaby known to witch!" I said as I bounced her in my arms, but she just kept crying.

"Sweetheart I know you love your mom more than me, but your mom is gone now, it's just us so PLEASE cut your Nini some slack" I pleaded, met with more cries as I just couldn't get her to settle. I've fed her, changed her, done everything I could think of but nothing seemed to work with her! I whistled, sang, turned the damn vaccuum on for white noise but Mipha just refused anything I offered. We'd been up most of the night, it was currently 5am and I had 2 hours before I would have to take Mipha to the doctors for a check up. I begged the Titan to hear my plea's and to make Mipha sleep for the next two hours.

And then.... she did.

She grew quiet before falling asleep again. I smiled, gently putting her in her bassinet and quickly and quietly leaving the room. I went straight to the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine, I grabbed the tub and scooped the appropriate amount into the coffee filter and let it brew. What confused me next was that the 'coffee' was white... more of a cream color actually. I adjusted my glasses before looking back to the tub and gasping, unplugging the coffee maker to stop the process and prevent more waste. 

I put the baby formula in the filter instead of the coffee grounds.

"Dear Titan... I AM tired... shit I can't leave like this..." I groaned, removing my glasses and rubbing my eyes. I could do this! She's my little girl and now it's my responsibility to care for her!
She needs me.
And I kind of need her.

~3 years old~

"Raine? Raine you missed the meeting! Belos is beyond furious!" Darius pounded on the door, making me wince as Mipha rolled around on the carpet, sitting up and beginning to slide her butt across the floor to move. She won't walk or crawl, she just... bum shuffles.

I couldn't look at her right now, I just... couldn't. 
Darius came inside using his spare key and looked at me as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Oh boy... I'm assuming by your current state that the evaluation didn't go well?" he came and sat next to me, Eberwolf going straight for Mipha and barking at her before they began racing around the unit on their butts. 

"She... she has autism... Darius I can't do this! I can't give her the care she's gonna need... the psychologist suggested... giving her away-"
"No. Immediately no" he interupted, putting his hand up to stop me as I stared at him confused.
"What do you mean no? I can't give her a good life-"
"Listen here, for the passed 3 years you have worked your ass off taking care of Mipha! If you give her away I swear to TITAN I will come after you and kill you! She needs you, she trusts you, Raine if you give her away, you'll regret it... think of Eda-"

"Don't! Just... don't mention her..."
"Raine, you two made a promise, when she's 13-"
"I let Mipha meet her again, I know! But how the hell do I go about this?! The therapists, the care, the emotional support! Not to mention Mipha still has no sign of magical development" I sighed, grabbing my short hair and pulling as the anxiety in the situation was drowning me every second. 

"You have Eber and I, and Lilith can train Mipha once she's old enough to... ya know... walk"
"She should've been walking at 1" I groaned, Mipha's stalled development was frustrating, sure now I knew the reason why, but it's still frustrating to watch all the other kids thriving and running- while Mipha can't even crawl!

The thought of Lilith training Mipha felt so wrong, I mean Lilith has no clue that Mipha is Eda's, she thinks I had some one night stand with some random witch! But then again that's my own doing considering I had to lie to her when she started connecting the dots. Eda doesn't want Lilith to know and I need to honor that promise I made to her.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now