Sick in Bed

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Happy 3 year anniversary to The Owl House!
This franchise has changed my life, both on here, and on my TikTok and Instagram. My Hunter cosplay managed to get me to 3,000 followers on TikTok, and helped me meet so many good people on Instagram. 
Even now, I'm doing comic dubs for "Dubbing Fans" on Youtube!
I never EVER thought I would ever voice act, but it's been a dream that has now turned into a hobby!

Here on WattPad- I can't even begin to understand what's happening here!
I've been writing on this app since 2015, I've had 2 accounts, this being my active one. In all those years, no one other than like... one friend read any of my shitty books. 

But then came my Darius book, "A Bard and A Coven Head". When I started that book, I expected no one to read it, as usual. But then- people just kept voting, commenting, reading, and it's still going! Currently that book is at 9.5k reads, 326 votes, and 282 comments. 

That's insane to me.
Then I created "A Little Different" aka the book that most likely brought you to this one.
That book has had so much love poured into writing it, and in return, it's recieved equal amounts of love. Now it's not done as well as my Darius book, but it's the one I'm most proud of.
2.7K reads, 37 votes, and 29 comments.

I adore you all, I live for your comments, they make me insanely happy, and are a major production boost.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Owl House! <3

Now onto the chapter!


Hunter's POV:

I ran down the hallways, things nearly falling out of my arms as I shoved scouts left and right. Raine was out on a mission, but Mipha was really sick right now!
It's my fault too... we were on a mission, and while eating at a restaurant while we rested, my drink was poisoned, so why is Mipha sick? Simple, the drink Mipha got was honestly the grossest thing I've ever tasted, so I gave my drink to her.

She drank the whole thing, before maybe an hour later, she started vomitting and struggling to breath. I got her back here as soon as I could, where Hettie told me she was poisoned. She's recovering, but since the castle ran out of the antidote, Raine's gone out with a squadron to get more while I look after Mipha.
Now I wanted to get the antidote myself, but Raine said I wasn't mentally fit to lead a mission right now, and they're right, I'm not. I'm far too worried about Mipha. I haven't seen her since she was transported to the Latissa healing centre last week! She was here for about 3 days, before the castle ran out of the medicine, so they sent her to Latissa for the week, and she just got back yesterday since Latissa is now out of the antidote as well.

I burst through the door, setting everything on the counter and beginning to organize everything I could.
'calm down, being all panicky won't help her' Flapjack chirped as he helped organize the pile of stuff I took from the infirmary. Different healing patches, medicines to curb her symptoms till Raine gets back with the antidote, everything you could think I needed, I grabbed.

"H-Hunter?" I turned, seeing Mipha leaning against the archway of the kitchen. She looked awful, her pale skin was near snow white with a sickly green tint to her cheeks. She had eyebags larger than mine, and her hair was a knotted mess. She was wrapped in a blanket, in her usual flannel pj pants and Bard Coven shirt. 
"Mipha! Sunshine, why are you out of bed?" I let Flapjack continue organizing as I went to her, wrapping her in a gentle hug as she groaned, nuzzling into me.
"I heard you come in" she whimpered, making me frown at how weak she truly was. 

"You can't leave your bed right now, remember? Not unless you need the bathroom" she rolled her eyes, pushing herself off of me and looking at the counter.
"It looks like you took everything in the castle" I shook my head, taking her arm and gently leading her back to her room. I turned the light on, guiding her back to her bed and making her lay back down on her pillows, making her sit.
"You need to rest, Meephs" I tucked her in, she tried giving me puppy-dog eyes, making me laugh at her and kiss her head. 

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now