Mipha Clawthorne

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So this is a little midnight thought I had- What if Mipha were raised by Eda and not Raine? What if Mipha had the Owl Beast curse, which made Raine and Eda decide to leave Mipha at the Owl House?

Well, here's how I think it would go, as well as how Mipha would've met her Knight in Golden armor! ;)

Happy Reading~

Eda's POV:

There I was, laying in bed, beginning to doze before I heard a creaking noise, followed by little frightened squeaks. 
I knew those squeaks-
I opened my eyes, sitting up and lighting a candle, seeing a familar red fluff ball crawling towards me cautiously. When the candle light hit her, she squeaked and ran back to the door, hiding behind it.

"It's ok, come here Owlet" I beckoned her, seeing her peek around the door before running over and jumping into my nest, struggling to get over the edge before tumbling in and crying out. She jumped into my lap, climbing to my chest before letting out a frightened squeak. 
I began to pet her, her feather's shaking at my touch as I kissed her head, taking a moment to stroke her little beak. She was shaking like a leaf, my heart aching for her.

"It's ok, Owlet... Mommy's got you... everything will be ok, it was a bad dream..."
*squeak squeak*
"I know, baby... I know... Shhhh" I shushed her, stroking her head as she clawed at my shirt, making me wince at her sharp claws, but breathing out as she began to relax. She was still so scared, so shakey- but she knew she was safe in my arms.
She's only 5... my little Mipha.

When she was born, she was only 2 pounds, which was dangerously small for being a few weeks overdue. But it turns out my curse halted her growth, and unfortunately, my curse passed onto her. It's not affecting her magic so far, but she also has autism. She just got the entire package, didn't she?

"You're ok... you're alright... I will never ever leave your side~ I will stay, and I will fight... with you~" I began to hum as I continued to pet her, pulling the blanket up to cover her as her little frightened squeaks started to quiet down.
"You're ok... you're alright... I will stay here through the darkest night~ All the way, I will fight... with you~" I kissed her head, continuing to hum as she began to fall asleep again. This happens roughly once a week, the curse will cause a nightmare, and she'll turn in her sleep. She'll wake up, alone and afraid. She'll come straight to me, wanting snuggles, and needing me to shield her from the danger's. I wanted her to live in the castle with Raine, but with her curse, she needs to be with me. Mipha... I'll protect you, and you'll be my best kept secret.

11 years later...

Mipha's POV:

"Mom- PLEASE can I come to the market with you today?" I begged, scooping my blue hair back into a pony tail.
"No chance, you know the rules-"
"But Luz is going with you! I'm tired of being locked up... What if I take Hooty?"

"Mipha, you know I'm doing this to protect you... speaking of..." Mom trailed off, gently tilting my head down and inspecting my hair.
"Your roots are growing out, I'll have to get some more blue hair dye from Lily" Mom huffed, grabbing her bag as Luz slid down the stairs on the railings, scooping King up and heading for the door.

"We'll bring you some pretzels!" She smiled, leaving and waiting outside for mom.
"Mom, I promise I'll be careful. I'll bring an elixer, I'll wear a hood, I'll-" I stopped as mom gently lifted my chin so our golden eyes met, sorrow written in her features.
"I'm sorry, my Owlet... but you have to stay here. There's too many scouts and Coven Officials around the markets these days, if something were to happen they would capture you in a heart beat. One day, you'll be able to go outside safely, but it's not gonna be soon" she pecked my forehead, before moving to leave another kiss on my cheek.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now