Common Molds and Period Pains

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If you're sensitive to mentions of menstration and periods, don't read this chapter. Also they're dating in this cause I want fluff- I'm the author, shush.

Happy Reading!

Mipha's POV:

I hate cramps, like a lot. I hate them so fucking much. 
Especially because I'm on patrol with my boyfriend right now... or at least I would be if he would stop staring at the town precincts bulletin board. He's been staring at it for roughly five minutes, not saying anything.

"Goldie? Ready to go?" I walked over, standing beside him. I would think he was reading something, but the board was actually blank.
"Pumpkins... why do they have seeds inside of them?" I blinked a few times, really confused at what he just said, to the point I'm not even sure I heard him correctly.

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
"Yes, I would. Where is this coming from?" I put my hand on his shoulder, feeling him dip down a bit and bending his knees as if my hand weighed 100 pounds. 

"I think I wanna be a worm... less pressure"
"Sweetie, I love you but I'm really confused. Are you alright?"
"Let's be worms-"
"GOLDIE!" I yelled as Hunter flopped forward, falling onto his face and knocked his mask off. I put a water barrier around us so no one would see his face, since we're supposed to keep our identities secret.

"What are you doing?!" I was panicking, wondering why the hell he's acting like this.
"Be a worm with me, you'd be a very pretty worm" he laughed, and without his mask his voice sounded... kinda drunk. He was slurring a bit.
Now that I got a better look, his nose and ears were near bright red, and his eye bags were near black in color. I placed my ungloved hand against his forehead, making him start giggling as I felt him burning up against my skin.

"You're sick-"
"I feel fiiiiiiine- let's be worms!" He began trying to move, keeping his arms at his sides and trying to inch forward. I grew more worried, beginning to think this must've been the common mold. I took a step forward, this stopping him as he finally stood up, stumbling to me and making me catch him when he fell forward again.

"We're going back to the castle, now" I stated, picking him up as flapjack flew out of his cloak, landing on my shoulder.

"Thanks Flapjack, but you better hide, Celeste will get us back" he chirped in response, burrowing into my cloak as Celeste turned over and let me sit down, wincing as the movement triggered another wave of painful cramps. This time the muscles around my stomach joining the fun and contracting painfully alongside the cramps. My body tensing made Hunter smack my face trying to carress my cheek.

"You're hurting... my princess is in pain..." he whimpered, making me blush at the nickname as we got closer to the castle. I noticed there were a lot of scouts patrolling the castle grounds. I decided to fly around to the balcony of my unit with Nini, knowing Hunter won't want people seeing him like this. Once I landed, Hunter started giggling again.

"We're sneaking in, we're gonna get in trooouuubllllle~" I snickered at him, opening the door and carrying him inside, seeing Nini sitting on the couch.
"Hey! What's going on?"
"He's sick, and I'm in pain- can you tell Belos please? I'll get him settled in my room or something" Nini nodded, getting up and heading for the door as I went into my bedroom, setting my giggling boyfriend down on my bed and letting Celeste change back and perch on her stand in the corner with Flapjack soon joining her.

"Don't get too comfy you two, I'm gonna need help in the kitchen soon. Flapjack can you go into the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and get the medicine for the common mold? We should still have some after I had it last month" he nodded, flying off as I raised my arm to have Celeste land on me and head to the kitchen.

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