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This was very hard to write.
Solely because I was laughing way too much while writing their perspectives.
Titan help me, I have no braincells anymore.
I'm so tired and my mind is in the gutter, man. There is no God here.

Mipha's(?) POV:

I woke up, rubbing my eyes and groaning. Bet you anything I woke up at 6. My one day off, and I can't even sleep in. Wait... why is everything so blurry? What... What am I looking at? I just see blurred blobs of colors... am I looking through a kaleidoscope? I sat up, squinting and trying to get my vision to clear as a white blob danced in front of me.

"What the hell is that?" I mumbled, stopping as I didn't hear my own voice, but one more... feminine?
Something was put to my face making my vision clear as I then saw-
"Celeste? What are you- WHY DO I- WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I grabbed my throat, trying to stop this voice from coming out. Wait a second... I sound like Mipha, and this is Mipha's room... Oh no. I got up, scrambling over to the full length mirror on her closet, seeing that I was- in fact- Mipha.

"I'm in my girlfriends body... I'M IN MY GIRLFRIENDS BODY! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I jumped up, looking at what I was wearing, flannel pants, and a bard coven t shirt.

"Sweetheart? Everything ok? Why are you yelling?" Raine knocked on the door, about to open it before I lunged, slamming it shut again.
"I'M NOT DRESSED! DON'T COME IN!" Everything went silent for a moment before I heard Raine mutter."I will never understand teenage girls. " I shook my head, looking over to the snowy owl perched in the corner.

"Celeste, it's me, Hunter! I'm in Mipha's body! I don't know how! I need your help! How does she usually dress? How does she act? Should I just tell them the truth?!" I began to pace the room, panic setting in as it became hard to breathe.
"WHY IS IT *GASP* SO HARD *GASP* TO BREATHE?" Celeste shook her head, flying over and landing on the bed. 

'You're Mipha, your lung capacity is awful by default,' she hooted, flapping her wings as I began to calm down, straightening my posture. 
"Does this mean I have autism?"
'nope,' she shook her head, flying to her closet and landing on the open door. 'autism is a brain thing. You don't have her brain, just her body. But I do know you'll want to hurry. She's probably freaking out right now.' she pointed her wing to a pair of denim overalls and a pink long sleeved shirt. I wasted no time putting them on, but when I got the shirt off, I was met with a new problem.

"Uhm... how do... how do bras work?" I swallowed, feeling embarrassed as I stared at my... HER bare chest. Celeste rolled her eyes, flying over to Miphas scroll and pecking it.
'search it, wise guy. That, or ask Raine to help,' I kept staring in the mirror, Mipha has a small chest. She still has boobs, but they're small. I grabbed one in my hand, squishing it.

"These are what boobs are? Huh... squishy..." I squished it again before my thumb slipped and grazed the nipple, making me jump and reel back.
"SENSITIVE! How in Titans name does she -"
'Oh sweet summers child... I'm getting Raine' Celeste went to the door, opened it, and flew out. I grabbed the small bra off the floor, trying to put it over my head before I got stuck in all the bands and straps. I tried to fight it before tripping on my own feet and falling back onto the bed.

"Uhm... Mipha? You alright, sweetheart?" Raine stood beside me, staring at the embarrasing spectacle. I breathed out, swallowing my pride and standing up, still tangled in this death trap.
"I'm not Mipha, I'm Hunter. We swapped bodies somehow, and I don't understand this torture device, " Raine snorted, trying to surpress their laughter as they stared at me, making a mockery of their daughter's body.

"O-Oh *snicker* I s-see... Uhm... here, haha, let me help you. " they came over, lifting the bra off of me and undoing the clasps on the back, having me put my arms through and re-attaching the back together. I adjusted it before Raine stuck their hands in the cups, lifting each boob into place as I yelled in surprise.
"I know it's sensitive, but you really needed help," they snickered, stepping back and tossing the shirt at me, laughing as they left me to it, Celeste bringing some sneakers over. I tied them, having no difficulty before I decided to bring one of her necklaces with me. She's probably freaking out. 

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now