The Golden Bard

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This AU was created (to my knowledge) by Savzo15 on Twitter/X.
I 100% recomend checking their stuff out, super good stuff, I always get their stuff in my head and it just stays there rent free, providing seratonin.

Also some of the songs that they "sing" in this are from the new Trolls movie cause that's also just taken over my brain. The music is good, what can I say?

Here we go!

Hunter's POV:

Another day, another stupid show.

Everyone was getting ready and the crowds were forming, all those girls who just wanted some action from me, a kiss, a lock of hair, my body- People are freaks. Except for one person... I hope she made it.
Every day it was the same, training, doing dances, singing songs, all to prepare for the concert each Friday, and Saturday night. The auditorium wasn't big enough, we had thousands of witches trying to get in despite the sold out shows. Don't think I've seen a spare show ticket for 2 years... The Golden Bard, teen prodigy and heart throb. I was sick of it, but if I didn't do it, Uncle would... be unforigiving, to say the least. I always made sure I was flawless, I worked myself till the edge, until I met a special girl who had been living in the castle our whole lives, and we just never crossed paths until my newfound stardom took off into the stars, and all free time with it...

"Hunter, 5 minutes till show time!" Steve called, making me wipe the sweat from my face, being careful to not screw up all the makeup on my face. My scar was on display with this stupid mask I had to wear, I asked to cover it with more makeup, but Uncle refused. He said the girls may like it better on display. Coven Numbers have been skyrocketing, every weekend, we get the most signups ever in coven history. I'm starting to wonder if one day we'll run out of witches to put in covens.

"Come on, Sunshine... please be in that crowd tonight..." I begged quietly under my breath.
I'd fallen in love with my vocal coaches daughter- 
And she'd fallen for me, only thing was she gets super overwhelmed in crowded places, not to mention how loud it is. She's got sound cancelling headphones, but the crowds still freak her out. I offered VIP seating for her, but then we both realised she'd then be targetted by feral teenagers who had the hots for me. I don't want her to get hurt, so she insists on powering through. But still... these concerts are her worst nightmare sensory wise, and there's nothing I can do to help. I feel awful when she comes, knowing how uncomfortable she is with people pressing against her from every direction.

I want her to be there, but I also don't want her there for her own comfort. It's the most horrible and conflicting feeling. I got up, putting my vest on and making sure my mask and microphone were secured before grabbing my guitar and taking slow, deep breaths. 
"Come on Golden Bard, you got this" I breathed out, stepping onto the lift and hearing the deafening crowds screaming my name above me. The lift jostled before beginning to lift me up. The screams got louder as the lights glared in the lenses of my mask before I could finally see. A sea of witches and other demons layed in front of me, making my heart skip beats. The drums started, giving me my cue as I abandoned all fear and began playing the opening song on the guitar in my hands. My breathing became labored before I sang my heart out, putting everything I had into this. 
The cheers never stopped, girls holding up signs asking for ridiculous things, like my gloves, mask, etc. I kept scanning the crowd for her, my only love. I couldn't see her, but I had to keep smiling, touching the girls hands, making them swoon and faint as the guards collected any bodies and made sure no one got TOO close to me.
An eternity went by before the show finally ended. I went backstage and wiped all my sweat, stage hands coming and making sure I looked perfect for the walk out and doing autographs.

They were all telling me how great I was, giving me water and touching up my makeup and hair. I readjusted my mask once the microphone was off of me, and soon enough I was back outside, the cold night air feeling refreshing as people reached their arms over the waist-high fence so I'd sign things or take pictures with their scrolls.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now