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Quick note!
The chapter titled "BODY SWAP" has been updated, it's got more in it now, and an actual solution to it. I tried to write a part 2, but it was far too short to publish on it's own, so I added it to the original part. 
They're teenagers, teenagers talk about dicks sometimes. If you've never experienced that, I envy you. I really do.

Anyways, some angsty fluff for you all!
Happy Reading!

Mipha's POV:

I walked through the castle corridors, unsure of why I was here. Did we get back? I thought... I thought we were stuck in the human realm... Did I dream that?
It was dark, the candles on the walls were too dim, I could barely make out the open spaces in front of me. 
"Hello?" I kept walking, all I could hear were my boots clicking against the tile floors. The hallways began to whisper, voices coming through the walls as I stopped, looking around.

'he lies to all'
'he will return'

"Hello?! Who's here?" I yelled, my voice echoing around and making me cover my ears. The ground beneath me sank, startling me as cracks began to dance across the tiles. 
"Hang o- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I tried to grab the ledge as the ground gave way, failing and continuing my fall, I couldn't see the bottom, my screams beginning to fall quiet, bouncing through the endless void before something shiney came into view.


"No No NO NO! ACK-!" I crashed through it, glass digging into my body, slicing me apart as I landed on dirt with a thud, feeling nothing but agonizing pain coursing through my body. 
"Nnnggh... Owww... where- where am I now?" I pushed myself up, wincing as more glass shards dug into me, blood dripping from all over me. 

"Owlet?" I stopped, turning to see a shadowy figure in the distance.
"M-Mom?" I squinted, mom coming into view, her soft smile making my heart swell with happiness.

She's ok!

I picked myself up all the way, limping over and wrapping my arms around her, feeling her do the same.
"I thought I lost you!" I snuggled into her, she grew silent, before she let me go.

"You could've saved us" I opened my eyes, looking up to her as she looked at me, her eyes covered in shadow. 
"W-what?" I stepped back, mom's sigil glowing, her curse corrupting her as she stood there. I took a few more steps back, backing into something hard, turning to see Nini there, covered in red sigil veins, their glasses glaring, hiding their eyes.

"You could've saved us all if you hadn't run" they bellowed, their voice cold and angry. The world around me shifted, being surrounded my mirrors, peoples pained faces looking back at me, Uncle Dari, Uncle Eber, Aunt Lilith- Hooty and King- EVERYONE!
Their screams began to fill my head, overwhelming me as I tried to look for a way out.

"You left us to die, Princess"
"You're just too weak, hoot hoot"

"Stop it!" I yelled, everything beginning to spin as I continued to hear these awful things.

"You're just a burden"
"You truly are just a parasite"
"We should've given you away"

"It's not true! I just wanted to help everyone!" 
"Help?" Mom stepped through the spinning images, standing in front of me with pained eyes, disapointment, fear, and shame filling her features as she stared down to me.

"How could you help us? You're the enemy, after all" My eyes widened, I tried to step away, but my feet were glued in place. I looked down, seeing black goop holding me in place, throwing my balance off ever so slightly.

"You're not my daughter... you're just- The Golden Guard" Mom mutated, turning into the black substance and towering over me, screaching before it dove at me, I let out a terrified scream as it collided with me, knocking the wind out of me as I was now on my hands and knees, the black goop was everywhere, it was the ground, going up to my knees once I stood. The mirrors were cracked, all of them showing myself in my Golden Guard uniform.

"no no no no" I mumbled, looking at my arms and patting my chest, seeing I was truly in my uniform and armor.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now