Hunter's First Meltdown

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Hunter's POV:

I was walking through the hallways, making my way to the training grounds. I told Mipha to train without me, since I got sent on a sudden mission. It's been roughly 7 hours, so she should be done by now. She did say she would wait for me, so she's probably sitting in the stands drawing or something. Maybe this time she'll let me look at her drawings, she's so self concious. 

I went up the stairs, still assuming she was sitting up there instead of down below in the arena. Only thing was when I got there, Mipha wasn't. I heard explosions, looking down to see Mipha fighting off the illusions we used for training. Her breathing was ragged, but she was doing well, she was obviously tired, drenched in sweat as she dodged fire and jumped over spikes. I hate to say it but... why did she look... mildly attractive like this?
She looked so serious, and focused. I turned towards the stairs, making my way down before making the short walk to the double doors, entering the corridor to the arena. Mipha had wiped out the illusions, waiting for them to regenerate as I noticed she began waivering, nearly collapsing on herself. Wait a second... has she been doing this for 7 straight hours?!
The illusions started up, immediately firing at her again, she got sloppy, stumbling around and waving the water around like a whip. It snapped about, poofing the illusions before one fired at her, nailing her in the arm. She cried out, forcing the arena to shut down at her cry, it's a safety feature, like an emergency stop.

She growled, kicking the dirt and screaming in frustration. She kicked the dirt again, stomping her foot and sending a whirl of wind out around her, pushing me back a bit. She tossed the training staff onto the ground, stomping on it and breaking it into two before kicking the two parts away, watching them hit the stone wall and clang to the ground. 

"Mipha?" She looked to me, breathing heavily and began shaking her head, falling to her knees and planting her hand in front of her to steady herself.
"Woah! Are you alright?" I called, running and kneeling beside her. 

"Have... t-to keep-"
"No, you've worked yourself too hard, you have to-"
"NO!" She screamed, falling to the side and swatting my hand away. She got back up to her feet, drawing a spell circle as the illusions started again.

"Stop the simulation!" I yelled, Mipha reeling back as the arena obeyed my demand. I walked to her, she looked exhausted.
"Have you been training all day?" I took her hands, making her look to me as she tried to yank away from me, she seemed wild, and speratic.
"Belos... wanted strong.... and I..." She stuttered, getting more frustrated as her words weren't coming out right.

"Mipha, he wouldn't want you to work like this, even I don't train for 7 hours straight" I lost my grip as she pulled back, stumbling backwards and nearly failing to catch herself. She went to draw another circle before I lunged at her, forcing her arms down as she turned around in my hold, punching my cheek and making me grunt in pain, but keeping her in my arms. She was mumbling nonsense, none of it actually being words, just noises. She began hitting my chest, grunting and growling, yelling out in anger.

"Mipha! Come on, calm down!" I pleaded, her movements growing tired, but yet more violent as her hits kept coming. Tears began to spill from her eyes, her grunts becoming cries and weak whimpers, she tried to punch my face again, but I shifted and quickly grabbed her wrists again. In return, she kneed me in my groin, making me cough and double over. She backed away from me, pulling her hair and wheezing, coughing out any noises she could.

"Oh m-man! Oh- T-Titan! A-At least I k-know that you can.... t-take a man d-down!" I coughed, staying down as I tried to not writh in pain. She hit me HARD! Titan!

"sorry... sorry! sorry sorry sorry SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!" She screamed, pulling her hair and crying, breathing out noises through her clenched teeth. I composed myself enough to stand again, approaching her again.  
"It's ok! Seriously, now whats going on with you?" She shook her head, crying out and smacking my hands away from her.

"Ok! No touching! How about we get you back to Raine?" She looked lost, like she didn't know what was happening or where she was. 
"Mipha? Hey, you with me?" I touched her shoulder, she was shaking, pulling a good chunk of her hair out, forcing me to gently take her hands. 

"Little prince? What's going on?" Darius stepped in, looking at us.
"Melt down, let her go" He instructed, I looked back at her, watching her cry and shake her head. I let her go, backing away as she continued to cry. Darius walked to her, wrapping her in a hug and covering her with his cloak.

"What was she doing before this?" I began rubbing my palm with my thumb, thinking about what just happened.
"She was training, I think she trained for 7 hours straight, I just got back from a mission" I muttered, watching Mipha hit Darius' chest, screaming as he tightened his hold around her, rubbing her back. 
"Belos had called her shortly after you left, lecturing her about her strength and lack of focus... She probably fixated herself on it, this was inevitable" he sighed, picking her up and beginning to walk out, I followed behind, the scouts giving Mipha weird looks as she screamed, still trying to attack Darius.

"Does this... happen often?"
"Breakdowns? Yes- but this is the worst one I've seen in a long time, Raine usually helps her out with these, but they've been busy with the Coven Day parade and what not, so Mipha has been more... free-range" He shrugged, before opening the door to Mipha and Raine's unit. He went into Mipha's room, Celeste waking up and flying off her perch. Darius tucked her in, Mipha trying to kick the covers off, before he drew a circle, sending purple sparkles at her, and in an instant- Mipha was asleep, snoring softly as her breathing slowed back down.

"We should tell Raine-"
"I will do that shortly, they're helping with the parade plans for next week right now, so they'll be back late. If you could stay here and watch over Princess- I would appreciate it" He kissed his fingers, before rubbing the two fingers across her forehead and swooping her hair out of the way.

"And if you tell anyone what you saw me do today, I will kill you" I froze at the threat, picturing my dead body before Darius smacked my back.

"If she has to like anyone, I'm glad it was you, Little Prince" Darius left, leaving me there as I looked on, Flapjack finally coming out of my cloak and going to rest with Celeste on the bed.

Mipha was... really confused, and that whole ordeal was kind of scary since I didn't know what was happening... I can't believe she lives like this every day, just mere moments from losing it. I can't imagine the pain she feels... She's aware of her behaviours, she apologizes for them constantly despite knowing she can't help it. She hates herself... and I want to help her see herself the way I see her. 
I see a strong, unique, resourceful girl. She see's the world so differently, and thinks in such amazing ways. Elemental magic- straight, raw elemental magic, I've never seen witches use it, it requires so much focus and skill, hyper-awareness, and a connection to the elements themselves to wield. I've never seen any witch besides the Owl Lady weild them. But even then, Mipha has done far more than what the Owl Lady ever did. There's no one like her, and I like that. Maybe once the Day of Unity passes, I'll confess my feelings, and tell her how I truly feel, maybe even ask her out.

She's so strong...
Hang in there, Meephs. I'll be here through it all.
Not even Belos will keep me from you.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن