Owl Beast Mipha

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Mipha's POV:

"Hey Hunter! Ready to go?" I smiled, linking arms with him. He nodded, following me through the halls and outside the castle. I whistled for Celeste, but not getting any reply.
"Guess she's not up for it today" I shrugged, hopping on Hunter's staff as we pushed off, heading into the sky.
"So, we just have to find this wild witch? It's not mom, is it?"
"No Meephs, it's not Eda. This witch, named Luka has been setting fires in the market in Latissa.
"Latissa... so that's why we're going out of uniform" Hunter nodded, speeding up on Flapjack as we went towards Latissa, it was roughly a 30 minute flight, but Hunter wanted to teleport, so I held on tight and braced for the fuzzy feeling. A shock coursed through my body, making me tense as Hunter told me to open my eyes. We were now on the outskirts of Latissa. 

"Alright, blue hair, gold eyes, glasses, and last seen wearing a blue dress" Hunter handed me the poster, letting me study it before scratching my neck, getting annoyed as the itching feeling wouldn't go away.
"Woah, hey! Stop scratching like that! You'll break skin" Hunter grabbed my hand, wrestling me for a moment before he let me go.
"I've been so itchy these past few days! Nini says it's just witch puberty, but- AGH!" I groaned, itching my arms as Hunter only grew more and more concerned. 

"I don't remember being itchy... I mean facial hair is itchy but I just shave it-"
"Well I don't know what's causing the itching!" I snarled, pushing passed Hunter and walking through the streets.

"Hang on!" He caught up to me, matching my speed as we scanned the streets. Part of me didn't like being out here without my mask, my eyesight has been getting worse lately, I really need to talk to Nini about getting glasses. Or maybe mom has some in her human stuff collection. The itching grew worse as my clothing brushed against my skin, making me just want to rip my shirt off.

Which I ended up doing.

"Calm down, I wrapped my chest this morning since I thought I would be putting armor on, see? No nudity" Hunter watched as I gestured to the bandages on my chest, small boob perks is I don't NEED to wear a bra, so bando's and wraps do just fine. 

"But why did you take your shirt off in the middle of the market???" Hunter glared at all the men staring at me, growling each time he caught someone staring.
"Because my shirt was driving me nuts, less itchy now" I kept scanning the crowd, before an explosion went off, making Hunter and I glance to eachother, before bolting for the stand. I drew a circle, changing into my uniform- minus the shirt, so I just had the chest plate on, even then it was beginning to itch again. I drew water from the plants nearby as Flapjack helped Hunter switch to his armor. 

"Halt! By order of the Emperor you are under arrest!" Hunter shouted, pointing his staff at Luka, who held her hands up, before unclenching her fists and sending shock waves after us. I deflected it, huffing out and sending a tornado at her, she fell, before summoning an abomination. Hunter shot at it, barely missing me as I slashed it's head off, watching it struggle to reform. I took a second, scratching my neck before feeling something soft, grabbing it and holding it to my line of sight.

A feather?

"You good?"
"Yeah! Let's go!" I ran off, raising the stone tiles and creating a rough staircase to the roof, running along the tiles and keeping my eye on Luka. Hunter was covering the ground, so we would catch her eventually as we kept sending attacks. Each spell I cast made the itching grow more intense, beginning to burn. I shook it off, jumping each roof as I watched Luka spot Hunter, climbing up a wall. I didn't want to be seen, so I hid behind a smoke pipe, Luka seemed to relax.

'Hunter, run further, don't follow Luka. Circle around and give her false hope' I held onto my bracelet, I gained no audible response, but smiled as Hunter continued running, stopping at a crossroad, pretending to lose the witch and run off. I saw Luka relax. I scratched my arms, watching multiple feathers fall off of me.
What is going on?!
Did I run through one of those ingrediant vendors? I don't remember bumping into any stalls selling feathers... At least they're light blue, I like that color, it's like my hair. 

Luka began walking along the roof, seemingly thinking she lost us, she must've forgotten about me, I didn't even see her watch for where I was. I walked behind her, casting an invisability spell and keeping my steps light by removing my boots. 

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