My Valentine

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Hunter's POV:

"What's Valentines Day?" I asked as Luz was setting up decorations around the Owl House, getting ready for her date with Amity tomorrow.
"It's a day where you show your partner you love them!" I raised a brow, making her stop and look at me.
"So... are you not supposed to show them you love them every other day? Only on Valentines Day?" She shook her head, confusing me further.

"No! This is just the day you REALLY show them how much you care! Flower's, Chocolate's, fancy dinners-"
"All things Mipha doesn't care that much for... how is that supposed to show your love when your partner doesn't like that stuff?"
"You're missing the point, Hunter- It's a day where you show your love, it doesn't have to be with the flowers and stuff, that's just the most common thing to do" she continued to hang up decorations before Mipha came down the stairs.

"Hi Sunshine!" she hummed in response, heading for the door and leaving the house.
"Wow, rude" Luz scoffed, forcing me to roll my eyes.
"She's exhausted, Luz. She's been spending all her time helping people rebuild their homes, and replant forests... she comes home exhausted, but even then she can't seem to sleep... I'm worried" I frowned, shaking my head and sitting on the couch.

"Well, tomorrow she get's a break! Show her some love! It's Valentines Day!" I looked back to the door, thinking about Luz's words before an idea clicked into my head.

"So tomorrow is a day to do stuff that shows you care for your partner?"
"Yep! Now you're getting it!" I nodded, looking upstairs and smiling to myself.
"Sorry Luz, but could you host your date somewhere else tomorrow? If I wanna show Mipha how much I care... I'm gonna need the house" I stood strong, hands on my hip as Luz stared at me.

"Amity's always stuck in the manor! Take her out! A picnic in a field would be good too! Plenty of space for Ghost and Stringbean- room for you two to relax, cuddle-"
"YOU'RE RIGHT! EDA I NEED A PICNIC BASKET!!!!" Luz screamed as she bounded up the stairs. I teleported around, taking the decorations down before imagining what I could do to make tomorrow the best day for Mipha. She's worked so hard to rebuild Bonesborough with the others, she deserves the best for her one day to rest.

The rest of the day was spent planning, buying things I needed, then going back to the Owl House and hiding it all in a broom closet, waiting to be set up. Night rolled around, I was practically jumping in place from excitement. One by one, everyone returned home. Amity was staying the night, before Luz was taking them to the Human Realm in the morning, Eda and Raine were spending the night at a really nice hotel for some alone time, and King was staying with Lilith and Hooty. Which meant Mipha and I had the house tomorrow. 


I waited and waited, until finally at 2am, Mipha came home. She was covered in dirt, and looked exhausted. Celeste flew from her shoulder, hopping along the ground and jumping a circle around my feet before flying upstairs to her bedroom.

"Sunshine, how was- WOAH" She fell forward, plummeting into my arms as I adjusted to pick her up and rub her back.
"Meephs... you're exhausted, and filthy..."
"Bath..." she mumbled, groaning in a gravely voice as I hummed, kissing her neck.
"Wanna take a bath? Mipha you're too tired... you could drown" I felt her shake her head, making me confused for a moment.

"Bath... together..." I sighed, knowing she needed me, so really this would be no big deal.
I carried her upstairs to the bathroom, letting her sit on the lid of the toilet as I turned the water on, switching it to a shower. I don't want to risk her going under- even with me there. The water was deemed warm enough for her, so I helped her to her feet again and helped undress her. Once she was ready, she turned around and began to try and take my shirt off.

"Give me a second, I can do it" I nuzzled our noses together, gaining an exhausted smile as she nodded and let me get my clothes off. Once both of us were ready, I stepped into the shower and then helped Mipha get in without tripping or slipping. When the warm water hit her body, she nearly collapsed from the soothing feeling it gave her. She leaned against me, humming happily as I grabbed the shower head and began to rinse the dirt off of her. She was beyond happy to be in my arms as I drenched her hair, watching the dirt brown water fall from her body and run into the drain. About 3 minutes of rinsing, the water was near clear before I got myself rinsed off and ready for the next part. 
Now this shower has a seat in it, it was put there for Mipha when she has out of body days, or a meltdown, so I sat her down and quickly did my stuff, washing my body, then washing my hair. 

"Prickly" she rubbed her chin, making me smile as I knew she meant I had a stubble. She hates it, calling it prickly. I quickly grabbed the shaving cream and razor, doing what had to be done and shaving down my shadow. I did like it, but I was fine with shaving it, it made Mipha more comfortable- and to me that was far more important. It's not like it looks too much different either way. When I was done, I helped Mipha was her body and shave her legs. Then I had her sit in front of me while I sat on the chair and began washing her hair. 

"Mmmm.... I love you" she mumbled, half awake. I smiled down at her, massaging the shampoo into her hair as she hummed in the rhythym that I was rubbing her scalp. She was relaxing as I washed the shampoo out and quickly applied conditioner and washed that off as well. One final full rinse of ourselves and I turned the water off, helping Mipha out and grabbing her robe as I put my boxers on. I checked the hallway, seeing Luz's door closed before Mipha and I left and went into her bedroom. I put my pj's on, Mipha doing the same as Celeste was already asleep on her perch. Sure, Celeste is nocturnal, but she needs to rest before she wakes up and watches over Mipha in the night. 

"Snuggle..." she laid down, humming as I went and tucked her in, kissing her head.
"I have to get some stuff done, don't wait up, I'll be back soon" she groaned, unhappy with me as I left the room, smiling and running down the stairs. 
I've got work to do...


I woke up, checking the time to see it was 8 in the morning. I rolled over, seeing Mipha sound asleep with a soft frown on her face. I want to rip that frown off and replace it with that heavenly smile I know she possesses... Today's the day for her to relax. So I'll just go back to sleep and let her sleep in as long as she may need to. 
Or so I would've done if she wasn't waking up right now. She squeezed her eyes shut, groaning as she began to stir and wake. I wanted to make her fall asleep, to not let her wake up, but it was too late, she was awake.

"Good morning Sunshine" I shifted closer, kissing her forehead as she scrunched her face and opened her eyes.
"I gotta get up... houses..." she grumbled, rubbing her eyes with her hand as I kissed her lips. 
"No you don't... today's your day off from all of that, remember?" she shook her head, letting out a grunt and tiny whine as she looked ready to cry.
"I'm so tired..." she hiccuped, tears threatening to fall from how exhausted she truly was.
I began to kiss her cheek, kissing it multiple times in quick successions as I felt it move and dimple from the smile she had from the feeling of the quick little smooches.

"Hunterrrr... I have to get up..." I interupted her with another flood of tiny kisses to her other cheek, eliciting a tired giggle from her. 
"No getting up, today's a rest day" she groaned again, trying to get up as I locked her in my arms, refusing to let her up as she fought against me very weakly. I held her gently, seeing her too tired to fight even the softest hold. 
"Honey-bear pleeeeeaaaaase" she pleaded, whining as she wiggled in my arms, giving me enough time to give another flood of kisses to her forehead. This seeming to do the trick as she let out a defeated sigh and snuggled into me.

"Happy Valentines Day" I smooched her forehead one last time before she gently took my chin and guided my face down to meet hers as she kissed my lips. It was a tired, sloppy kiss, but I didn't care. I loved her as she was. 
"Luz is out with Amity... what are we doing?" I smiled at her as we got comfortable again, Mipha beginning to fall asleep again at long last.
"We're doing something special, AFTER you sleep for another few hours"
"Mmm... can't wait... you always know what to do for me Honey-bear..." she mumbled as she relaxed, her head tilting to the side to be rested on the soft pillow before she was mumbling nonsense in her newfound sleepy state. 
I smiled, stroking her hair as she was finally asleep, this time a small smile on her lips as she snuggled up against my chest, her favorite thing being to listen to my 'heartbeat'.


I woke up again, this time it was 12 in the afternoon.


I looked down at the most beautiful witch in the known realms that was asleep in my arms, listening to my steady heart beat, though now it had probably sped up as I looked at her with a blush creeping onto my face from just how lucky and loved I felt.

I kissed her cheek. This beginning the process as I kept kissing different parts of her face. The gentle touches waking her gently with a smile as she knew it was me. She hummed happily, showing her white teeth as she smiled and moved her head, giving me access to her neck.

Big Mistake, my love.

I leaned over, kissing her neck and feeling her jolt, before she began to giggle.

"Good morning again, my Sunshine" she hummed a giggle, opening her eyes and gently placing a hand on my cheek to kiss me properly. I smiled against her lips, causing us both to laugh during the kiss before we seperated.
"What a very handsome blurry face you have, my prince" she smiled, making me roll over and grab her glasses, turning back over and gently guiding them onto her face.

"Woah... you're even more handsome in 4k" I snorted at her words, this making her smile wide and wrap her arms around my torso.
"I never wanna get up..." she snuggled up again, letting me kiss the top of her hair.

"Mmmm... unfortunately we have to get up if we're gonna do what I planned for Valentines Day" her eyes shot open, startling me as she rolled over me and crashed onto the floor, taking all the blankets with her.
"W-What are you- haha! doing?" I snickered, holding my laughs with no success as she was a giggling mess tangled in blankets.
"I wanna spend the day with you!" She did little grabby hands at me, letting me get up and help her out of her cocoon and onto her feet. 

I went to her closet, opening it and grabbing the hoodie and sweatpants I got her for her birthday. They were designed to look like the mom from "Bluey", Chilli. I tossed them to her, watching her stomp her feet happily as she began changing into them, letting me go to my duffle bag and grab the pair I had for myself that looked like Bandit, the dad from the same show. Once dressed, I lead her down the stairs and turned the corner before we stopped, Mipha looking like she was going to explode from how excited she was.

"Mipha, do you lik-"
"PILLOW FORT!!!" She squealed, forcing me to laugh and lead her into the fort. It had piles of pillows, blankets, plushies, snacks, some drinks. Plus we had the tv and video games in here. 

"This is amazing! Hunter I can't believe you did this!" she kicked her legs as we got comfortable in the blankets, letting her lean on my side as I turned the tv on and put Bluey on for us to watch.
"We are going to watch EVERY episode of Bluey, with all your favorite snacks and drinks. Then after that, we could nap, eat, play games, whatever you want to do" she squealed again, snuggling up to me before she sat up and looked at me.

"I could kiss you right now!"
"What's stopping you?" I cocked an eyebrow, giving her a smirk before I fell backwards with her on top of me, slamming her lips onto mine in a pationate and ravenous kiss. It was hot and heavy, my body lighting on fire as she sucked and licked my lips. She tasted and smelled like Vanilla, her usual scent. I loved this girl with all my body and mind, and right now I was sure she felt the same about me. We've been through everything together these passed year or so. She was my everything, and right now she was mine as our bodies nearly melted together from how perfectly molded we were for eachother. 
Finally, we parted for air, staring into eachother's eyes before we started laughing, getting comfortable again and beginning to watch the tv.

"Thank you... Luz told me you were gonna do some big extravegant thing today... I was worried" I squeezed her shoulder, kissing her cheek.
"I know you hate those things... that's why I planned for us to just be lazy today. Because I know this is your idea of a perfect day, snacks, cartoons, games..." I trailed off, Mipha looking to me before reaching up and touching my cheek with her soft gentle hands.

"You... none of that is a perfect day without you, my Honey-bear" she smiled, forcing me to lean down to her and kiss her gently. This one we kept short, before  snuggling together in each others arms.

"I love you, Mipha"
"I love you too, Hunter"

"Happy Valentines Day" We said together, laughing and kiss once more.

This was perfect.
All because of her... my Mipha... my Sunshine...

My World.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ