Play Date

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Raine's POV:

Today was the Day, the Emperor is allowing Hunter and Mipha to interact, their memories will be wiped afterwards, but the only reason this was happening was because I couldn't get a babysitter for Mipha.
Darius and I were supposed to go over missions and coven stats, but he was stuck with Hunter for the day, and I had Mipha glued to me. So due to the scheduling issues, we had convinced Emperor Belos to let them play together while Darius and I worked. 

"Mipha, wake up" I opened her bed up, seeing her roll over. Now, most 5 year olds would be bouncing off the damn walls at 10am, but not Mipha. She's not the happiest, only reason right now being the therapist she has is a little... blunt. Rather than the gently approach, this therapist trusts new things onto Mipha, startling her. She's back in her turtle shell, refusing to come out. It hurts to watch, I want her to be happy. 
I gently shook her, seeing her stir in her sleep, sucking on the ear of her stuffed bunny, Skittles. I kissed her head, this finally waking her as she opened her eyes, whining and turning over again.
Luckily for me, I know just the thing to say to make her get up.

"Well, if you're not gonna get up, I guess I can just tell Uncle Dari he can go back to his roo- OH there we go" I couldn't stop myself from laughing as a sudden wave of energy pulsed through her, making her fall out of bed, tangled in her blankets before going to her door, jumping for the handle, and screaming because of the child safety lock on it. 
"We gotta do your hair and get you dressed, Sweetheart" she growled, throwing Skittles at me as I laughed, turning the light on and going to her closet, grabbing a dress and leggings and changing her into them. I quickly put her hair into two little pig tails, hearing her giggle before I picked her up, leaving her room and making sure she had Skittles in her arms as we left and started towards the meeting room. I had a bag of toys for her to play with in case she and Hunter don't get along. They've met once, but then Belos made the rule of keeping them apart to avoid distracting his nephew.
It sucks, I want Mipha to have a normal life, but she isn't allowed to leave the castle, and is banned from interacting with the one witch her age. From what I understand, Hunter and Mipha were born in the same year, Hunter is supposedly a few months younger, but Eber insists he heard the cries of a baby in the castle a week after Mipha was born. 

I walked through the halls, making it to the meeting room with Mipha squirming out of me grip, wanting to walk. She's learning to walk, finally. I was worried she wouldn't be able to walk, she still troubles with it, but she's learning and learning quickly at that. 
Once we were in, Mipha started squealing, jumping in her spot. She loved the meeting rooms because it had a lot of hiding places. Perfect for hide and seek, in which she went to hide from Darius. I checked my scroll, seeing Darius was on his way, saying that Hunter hadn't wanted to get out of bed either. Usually Belos sticks Hunter with the healers, but he'll make us coven heads look after him more often than not. Except myself, of course, since I had my own little witch to watch over. 

The door opened, Hunter running in wearing a kitted sweater and jeans, obviously Darius chose the clothes. He entered, nodding to me as I pointed to the desk, seeing Mipha's little shoes sticking out from under it. Hunter seemed shy, ducking behind his leg and trying to hide in his cloak, failing as Darius lifted it, ushering Hunter out before walking towards the desk.

"Oh my, I wonder where my little Princess is...?" I saw him crack a smile as we heard Mipha giggle, trying to stay quiet. Hunter sat in one of the chairs, taking out a toy slitherbeast, sliding it across the table and making animal noises.
"Maybe she's under- HERE!" Darius pulled her ankles, dragging her as she squealed in laughter, Darius tossing her in the air and catching her, blowing a raspberry on her cheek as she attached to him, hugging him tight as he rubbed her back.

"Dari!" she cheered, getting down and beginning to tug his cloak, before sticking it in her mouth. I gasped, Darius not caring as he looked to Hunter.
"Little Prince, come meet Head Witch Raine's Daughter" Hunter looked up from his stuffed toy, shaking his head.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora