The Perfect Gift

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Needless to say, this is not canon to the story. But for simplicity, we're gonna say Mipha and Hunter are dating here, just without Belos knowing. It just makes it easier for me to write this. Also I know Christmas is two weeks away, I'm impatient.
Happy reading!

Hunter's POV:

I ran through the halls, desperate for some advice, my cloak flailing behind me as I ran. Once I reached the door, I began knocking like a mad man.

"For Titan's sake! Stop it! I know it's you, Little Prince!" Darius yelled from the other side of the door before swinging it open, he was in is pajamma's, and wearing a facemask of some variety.
"I need help!" I pushed passed him, making him groan and close the door, turning to face me as I began pacing the room, Flapjack coming out of my armor and pulling at my hair.

"OW OW OW! FLAPJACK!" I snarled, Darius laughing at me and going back to laying down on the couch. 

"Now, what brings you to me on my only day off?" I turned to him, breathing out and gathering my words.
"I need help with-"
"Up bup bup! Let me guess- you need help coming up with a gift for Princess" I stopped, staring at him- mouth agap.
"How did yo-"
"Oh please, anyone could see that you have no idea what to get her" He shrugged, placing two slices of cucumber on his eyes, relaxing. I frowned, slumping in my spot before I went and sat down on the chair nearby. I had been trying to think of a gift for Mipha all week! Christmas was in 3 days! I just... want this to be perfect for her.

"Why not just buy her one of those necklaces she likes?" He flicked his wrist, an abomination coming over with two mugs of hot chocolate. 
"She loses those all the time, I want this to be special... meaningful. I mean, how pathetic is it that I can't think of a good gift for my own girlfriend?"
"Please, Little Prince, it's not pathetic. Mipha is hard to shop for" he shrugged, sipping from his cup as I stared at mine.

"How would you know that?"
"Are you forgetting I'm her favorite Uncle? I get her something every year, she gets me something every year"
"What does she get you?"
"Depends, last year she made me a gold cloak-"
"The one you wore to the Coven's Ball?"
"That's the one" He pointed to me, clicking his tongue. That cloak was awesome... Mipha made that?

"But, Mipha is very hard to shop for. So many variables, clothes have to be the right texture, jewelry can't be too tight or too loose. I mean, I gave her a plush owl last year, but I think it just sits on her shelf" I nodded.
"Yeah well, Mipha has that stuffed rabbit, Skittles. I just want whatever I give her to be meaningful" I sighed, finally taking a drink of my hot chocolate, marvelling in the rich taste. Uncle never lets me have stuff like this. 

"Well, think about your relationship, how did you two meet?" 
"She shoved me out of the way to get into Raine's office" I shrugged, hearing Darius snicker.
"Why are you-"
"Because that totally sounds like something she would do, she has no spacial awareness when she's upset about something" he shifted, sitting up a bit more and removing one of the cucumber slices to look at me. 

"Don't stress yourself, the right gift will come to you in due time, you've still got 3 days. Try going to the market, sometimes window shopping gives you tons of ideas, even if you don't get anything today, you'll see things to think about" I nodded, standing up.
"Thanks Darius!" I bounced in my spot before bolting for the door, making sure Flapjack was tucked away before running up to my room.

'Poor little bug on the wall, jing jing. No one to love her at all, jing jing. No one to tickle her toes, jing jing. No one to blow her nose-' I heard Mipha singing in my head, she must be playing with her bracelet.
Wait... isn't that her sewing song?

'sewing something, Meephs?' I heard her yell out, making me feel bad for startling her.
'No! I'm not sewing anything!!! YOU HEARD NOTHING!' I felt the connection break, she must've taken it off. Woops.
It's too bad though, I like her songs. I got to my room, getting changed out of my armor and slipping my coat and hat on, Flapjack hiding in the fluffy collar of the lined coat. I wasted no more time in running out of the castle, once I was in the clear, I had Flapjack change over so I could fly, heading towards the Bonesborough market.

The cold air had a bite to it- winter isn't really my favorite of the seasons, I prefer spring. I landed, beginning to weave through the crowd at the entrance. Seems a lot of people left shopping to the last minute. Missions just kept me so busy that time got away from me. I hadn't had time to think about it. 

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz