What are we

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Our plan may have been to go back to Hyunjin's apartment but now we're waiting in line inside an ice cream parlor and I think I'm going to be sick. My nerves are all over the place and when Hyunjin asked if I wanted to stop to get some ice cream I literally jumped at the offer. Because the truth is I'm so nervous about going back to his place. We're going to be alone and I know I've been to his apartment twice before and I've stayed the night as well. So I shouldn't be feeling all anxious and on edge right now but this time feels different. Are we going to just watch a movie like he said earlier or something else? It's not like I'm expecting something to happen but you know I just want to be prepared. Mentally that is, I'll be alone with the guy I like and I don't want to embarrass myself by saying or doing something stupid. Or maybe I'm just overthinking again. It's just that every time we're alone something always seems to happen. I'm still trying to figure out what's happening between us and what I am to him. Tonight might get me one step closer to knowing.

"Next in line" we hear as the people in front of us leave. We move closer to the counter and the girl behind it immediately focuses her attention on Hyunjin. A smile spreads across her face, showing off her cherry cheeks. She pulls her apron down a little, adjusting it to reveal her perfect chest, and although she's covered by an apron it still manages to show off her hourglass figure.

"Welcome to Fantasy Scoop, what can I get you today sir ?" she smiles at Hyunjin and I almost feel invisible. She has a lovely tone to her voice but her words almost sound rehearsed.

"Which flavor would you like?" Hyunjin asks while turning to look at me.

"Um-" I look down at the selection of flavors behind the glass. Raspberry ripple, blueberry cheesecake, and honey pistachio are the only ones to catch my attention. "I'll have the blueberry cheesecake flavor" I raise my head to look back at Hyunjin and he hums.

"One blueberry cheesecake ice cream," he says to the girl and she nods with a smile. "Nothing for you Sir?" she stares at Hyunjin, her voice sounding sickeningly sweet, and for some reason the way she says "sir" just ticks me off.

"No, that will be all," he says dismissively while shoving his hand into his pocket.

"Oh is that your little brother ?" She asks while sizing me up. I fidget on my feet, feeling uncomfortable by the way she's looking at me. Do I look that young? Maybe it's my outfit. Or is she just nosy? I'm guessing it's the latter.

"No, he's my-" Hyunjin sighs. "Look can you hurry, there's a line of people waiting behind us."

I'm his what? Why does he look so irritated all of a sudden?

"Right-I'm sorry" the girl's smile fades and she turns on her feet, reaching for an ice cream cone. She moves quickly and with just two scoops she was done. Hyunjin pays with his card and then we head outside. Where we find ourselves an empty bench to sit down on. I don't know what that was about but oddly enough I feel annoyed. I'm not sure. I feel insecure in a way as well. That girl was really pretty and was obviously flirting with Hyunjin, right in front of me and I couldn't do a thing about it. It's not like she was doing a lot to get his attention. I know some people would think that but her actions still irritated me. From the moment we walked in she started checking him out. I noticed, but I couldn't let that bitter feeling get to me. She was just staring anyways. What's worst is from the moment she opened her mouth to speak I hated her voice. Especially the way she said "sir", all flirtatious and cute. It really aggravated me if I'm being honest.

I sigh, licking the side of my ice cream. It's good. Would have probably been better but my mood is all spoiled now and that girl is to blame. Why am I thinking of all these horrible things? I don't even know the girl and besides Hyunjin isn't mine. I could feel my heartache at the thought. At the truth.

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