eve of destruction - FIVE HARGREEVES [A]

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status: available
faceclaim: lana condor
oc: teresa hargreeves
love interest: five hargreeves
first appearance: the umbrella academy season 2
last appearance: tbd

status: available faceclaim: lana condoroc: teresa hargreeveslove interest: five hargreeves first appearance: the umbrella academy season 2last appearance: tbd

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ON NOVEMBER 22ND 1963, PRESIDENT Kennedy was assassinated. It was then that Five and Teresa Hargreeves decided to break their contract in an attempt to jump to 2019 and save the world. But Five messed up the jump. Not only had he cursed them back into the teenage bodies, but he had scattered his wife across the timeline and he had no idea when she was.

Teresa Hargreeves arrived back in Dallas on the 27th of June 1963, because instead of going ahead five decades, she had gone back five months. Her husband was nowhere in sight and her body had changed back into her teenage form. She was all alone and scared; even when she was stuck in the 2019 Apocalypse, she had Five, but not anymore.

Back in 2002, when Five Hargreeves had the 'amazing' idea to test out time travel, he hadn't expected for a girl his age to run into him, which dragged her along for the ride. Teresa Kane had been fleeing her angry parents when she bumped into the Academy kid, let's just say an accident occurred involving her powers and their couch. Yes, Teresa had powers because she was one of the 43 children born on the 1st of October 1989 to a mother who wasn't even pregnant when the day started.

Stranded with the strange Umbrella kid in the apocalyptic future wasn't what it was all cracked up to be as Teresa quickly learnt. Naturally, the pyromaniac blamed Five for the situation they were both in, even though her bumping into him could've been the thing to alter the time jump, trapping them there. After a few weeks, the two survivors became friends, revealing their stories to one another. Five was shocked to hear that she was like him and his siblings, but wasn't adopted like they were. Teresa had wished to be a member of the Umbrella Academy ever since she first saw them on the news. She wanted to use her powers for the greater good.

Over time, their friendship blossomed into something deeper: love. Delores — their mannequin friend — was relieved to hear that they had gotten together and Teresa vividly remembered her words being 'Fucking finally!' as she watched the two lovers smile and lean into each other's embrace. As cliche as it sounded, her wedding day was the best day of her life. She may not have had a white dress, a cake or even rings like a traditional wedding did, but a scarf they had scavenged, a Twinkie and shaped wire seemed to do the trick. Delores couldn't be happier when they asked her to perform the ceremony and that was when Teresa Kane became Teresa Hargreeves, a member of the dysfunctional super-powered family.

Years later, The Handler arrived, offering the two apocalypse survivors a ticket out of the hell hole and jobs as hitmen. They took it because it wasn't like they had other options. Five years of service was what the Commission required, but the Hargreeves couple broke their contract. Five was sent to the future whilst Teresa was sent to the past, both trapped within their younger selves. In 2019, Five tried his best to stop the apocalypse even though he was constantly worrying about Teresa and wondering where and when she was. But, the apocalypse still happened and in an attempt to save his family, he teleported them back in time, accidentally scattering them across the timeline in Dallas Texas.

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