darkness of light - MARVEL [T]

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status: taken by venusodair
faceclaim: taissa farmiga*
oc: zelda danvers
planet origin: unknown
love interest: none*
first appearance: avengers endgame
last appearance: tbd

status: taken by venusodairfaceclaim: taissa farmiga*oc: zelda danvers planet origin: unknown love interest: none*first appearance: avengers endgamelast appearance: tbd

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ZELDA DANVERS WAS NOT WOULD you would call an average teen. The young Human/Kree hybrid had never had anywhere to call home because her and her Mother travelled from planet to planet, from galaxy to galaxy, saving civilisations from destruction but never stayed long enough to get comfy. She didn't mind though because as long as she had her Mother, she was happy.

When Carol Danvers discovered she was with child she had no idea whether or not her baby would grow up to be like her: a warrior with incredible but deadly powers. A few years after she was born, it was clear how much like her Mother Zelda truly was and that scared Carol more than she would like to admit. To her, her powers were both a blessing and curse, but it was something she didn't want to pass onto her baby girl. Unfortunately for the family of two, fate had other ideas.

Zelda knew from a very young age that she was unlike anyone she had ever met, which was a lot of people considering how many planets she had been to. It wasn't just because of her powers that she thought she didn't truly belong, it was because she had been to so many places that they blurred into one another, her life was a patchwork.

Growing up, Zelda had been told all the stories of her Mother's time on Earth and then with the Kree but nothing stood out more than a man by the name of Nick Fury who was gifted with a pager by Carol before she left. Zelda would spend hours watching the small device, part of her hoping it would ring, calling them home so she could finally meet the people who her Mother had spoke so highly of and experience what life was like on the planet she was descended from.

And Zelda's wish came true after one devastating event that ripped through the stars like canon fire. The Mad Titan Thanos had succeed in his life long ambition of 'restoring order' to the Universe after collecting six precious gems known as the Infinity Stones And then used them to wipe out half of all life. When the Danvers duo arrived on Earth, Fury was gone and his heroes were defeated, the battle was already lost.

But after finding and returning their missing member, the Avengers bring the band back together to demand a rematch from the Mad Titan with their newest additions by their sides. Their desire for revenge on the purple man and their hatred towards him proved that there was darkness in even the brightest of places and no one knew that better than Zelda Danvers, the girl whose shining light also had shadow.

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