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"Well you've certainly looked better" Harry chuckled when he saw Voldemort. 

As Voldemort busied himself with calling his death eaters and giving them a little speech Harry walked over to Theo. 

"You have to trust me right now, I'm going to dissillusion you and you have to get close to us but not in the dome, but don't touch it. I'm going to get hit by a spell and Voldemort will fall, that very moment you need to grab me and and bring us back once the dome has fallen. My locket is a portkey say hen house and we'll be at the manor. I've been planning this for a while, excited it's happening now though" Harry said in a rush. 

Theo nodded and allowed Harry to cast the spell on him, he was worried but he knew Harry would be able to handle himself at least. 

"okaaayy Voldemort lets duel, shall we duel" Harry said wiping his hands and walking towards him wand in hand. Bellatrix in the crowd looked at Harry scandalized before she realized what was going to happen. 

She didn't speak out or say anything though in fear for her life. 

Voldemort cast a golden dome around the two and agreed. They bowed and Harry started casting spells. It's not as if Voldemort was weak, so Harry was happy to have a bit of a challenge. Spells were flying around the dome lighting it up like fireworks. When Harry was starting to get frustrated Voldemort hadn't tried Avada Kedavra yet. 

When he saw a green spell fly past him he knew it had started. He stepped right up to Voldemort took his own wand and pointed it at himself and muttered two words. Avada Kedavra. 

A bright green light shot right at Harry and Voldemort just looked confused. 

Harry lay still for a few minutes and the dome didn't fall. When Harry got up again completely fine Voldemort stared at him in shock. Harry winked at him and strutted back to the other end of the dome stowing his wand away. 

Harry stood and for a while Voldemort just stood grounded, when he started casting spells again he was weaker. 

"Voldemort I have now destroyed all of your Horcruxes you are no longer immortal" Harry's voice was amplified and filled the dome and outside of the dome all the death eaters and Theo heard his voice. 

Harry slowly started to lift off the ground and black smoke started to fill the dome, the dome slowly flitted away as Voldemort fell backwards his chest having burst open from the smoke. Harry's eyes glowed with magic as he rose off the ground higher and higher until he came a stop. 

"What now for you lot then" he laughed manically "Your precious lord is dead" 

Theo watched from the side too flabbergasted to do anything. Bellatrix grabbed her husband and family and apperated away. 

Several death eaters fell sweep after sweep. When Harry came back down he was covered in blood, not his own, rather the death eaters blood. 

Harry collapsed from magical exhaustion and Theo bolted over and sent them back to Harry's house. 

Sirius rushed out of the house when the wards alerted them and he saw a blood covered a fainted Harry being held by a grey faced Theo. 

Remus came along and as did Bellatrix who went there to tell Sirius and Remus. Sirius took one look at Harry and yelled to Remus and Bella that he was taking him to st Mungos. 

Sirius took Harry and Theo and apparated away landing inside st Mungos where it was rather empty excuse a few people here and there.  Sirius asked for a healer and when they got sight of Harry they rushed around hurriedly to help him. 


Theo sat on a chair next to Harry's bed after he had been healed. He was no longer covered in others blood, but he would be out for a while because of his depleted magic stores. Sirius was out in the hallway talking to a healer likely asking questions. 

Bella was at their manor with Remus seeing as it was near the full moon, and Bella was a wanted criminal still. 

Theo went to see Harry everyday after lessons were over and hurried back before dinner time. Several people were very confused as to where Harry was, and the first task had already been done. 

Harry had a stack of homework on his desk at school, and teachers and Dumbledore have been informed of his whereabouts. 

Draco Blaise and Pansy looked very discouraged without Harry. Despite the three being closer they still spent their everyday with Harry. 

Theo was probably who came off worst. He had been with Harry, and basically only Harry since first year. He didn't speak to anyone for a week after the incident but after that he slowly got into old habits from when he was younger again. He would eat very little and spend sleepless nights staring at his ceiling. 

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