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Chapter 1 Dreamland

Liang Xianyue and her father were driving on the road. There had just been a blizzard, and there was no snow on the road. There were high snow walls piled up on both sides of the road, which were left by the snow removal trucks.

Liang Xianyue put her face on the car window and said in surprise: "Since when are there so many snow plows in the city? I thought the road to the village would be difficult, but I didn't expect the snow plows to come earlier.

" The city where Xianyue's family is located is called Ancheng, a small city whose name may not be familiar to people in the province. Although there are snow removal vehicles, there are not many. Usually when it snows, it melts before the snow plow is dispatched. This is the first time Liang Xianyue has seen such a heavy workload for the snow plow. The snowdrifts piled up on both sides of the road were as high as a person, and the vehicles seemed to be driving in a tunnel.

Liang Kangshi was not surprised at all. If the snow on the road was left unattended, he would not take his daughter out. "I called the village a long time ago, and the snow will be almost cleared in the morning. Don't look at the weather forecast and say that there will be heavy snow. Everyone doesn't believe it, but the city is ready. The snow plow trucks are on the road as soon as the snow starts to fall. All the roads this morning It's all open to traffic."

Liang Xianyue sighed for a while, the weather is really weird, who would have thought that it would only start snowing in mid-October, and the first snow would be a big snowstorm, snowflakes as big as goose feathers fell all afternoon Plus half the night, the snow was knee high. Her home is not far to the north, and it may not snow in December in previous years!

At that time, she saw the dense snowflakes in the weather forecast on her mobile phone, and thought that there was a bug in the weather app. After searching the Internet, she found that nearly 1/3 of the provinces in the country had issued a blizzard warning, and a strong cold wave was heading south. This year may be a cold one. winter.

When the heavy snow fell at night, Liang Kangshi began to feel uneasy. His old house was in the village, and no one lived in it after moving to the city in the past few years. The more unoccupied the house is, the more likely it will be damaged. It would be terrible if it was crushed by the blizzard.

Ordinary blizzards are okay, but the snowflakes of heavy snow are big and soft, and the eaves are also sloped, so the snow will come down when the wind blows. But this time the snow fell in October, and the temperature was not so cold. The snow that fell on the ground first turned into water, and then froze when the temperature dropped, which stuck to the roof. Blowing, Liang Kangshi tossed and turned all night, made a few phone calls early in the morning, and planned to go back to the village after breakfast.

After entering Liangjia Village, before reaching her own home, Liang Xianyue saw ladders on the roofs of several houses, and people standing on the ladders were holding bamboo poles to beat the snow. It's not that the house is not built firmly, a blizzard is scary. But the weather forecast said that there might be snow in the next two days, and it doesn't matter if there is one more, whose roof can bear it. Even if you have confidence in your own house, you may be hit by snow falling from the eaves when you step out of the house, which is not a good feeling.

Someone sweeps the snow on the road, but the front gate and the yard of her house are "a piece of pure land". The thick snow is so white that you can't see it even if you step on it. A few jujube trees and pear trees have turned into eucalyptus qiongzhi, which is beautiful. If you look closely, the branches of several trees are broken by the snow, and the roof is even a foot higher.

The father and daughter trekked from the gate of the courtyard to the wing room where the tools were kept. Snow got in their shoes and their socks were wet and cold. It was useless to bring rain boots in the car, the snow was higher than the boots, and the boots of the rain boots were wide, so wearing them would not seep the snow, but put snow in the shoes.

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