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Chapter 12 The Beast
Liang Xianyue not only obtained wood from tree cutting, but also some by-products such as branches, linden flowers, birch bark, honey and wild apples, but the quantity was very small, unlike branches that must be dropped by-products.

It is worth mentioning that the two wild apples that Liang Xianyue kept in his backpack and didn't know what to do with them broke down in just two days and turned into [wild apple cores*2]. The few wild vegetables picked on the first day of the island also turned into [dry wild vegetables], but the honey did not change.

Liang Xianyue threw away the dried wild vegetables, thought for a while, dug two holes in the ground, and threw two wild apple cores into them respectively.

There are too many by-products accumulated that have not come in handy. Although the stacking limit of each item is 99, it still cannot fit in the backpack.

Liang Xianyue used eight wooden planks to make a one-cubic-meter-sized storage box on the workbench. This wooden box cannot be used to store ordinary supplies, but it can hold items collected on the island, just like Liang Xianyue's The backpack is like a different-dimensional space. Like the backpack, it has 20 grids, and the stacking limit of each grid is 99.

When Liang Kangshi saw this box, he liked it very much. He praised the wood as good and the box made of it was strong.

After hearing this, Liang Xianyue could only explain that this box can't hold other things, except for items produced on the island, other things can't be put in at all.

Liang Kangshi asked, "Can you give me some of the wooden boards you made?"

He was talking about the wooden walls and wooden floors that Liang Xianyue combined when building the storage room. Cutting down a tree will get about 10 pieces of wood. These woods are taken out individually as columnar logs. The hostess can make the wood into the building materials or tool materials he needs on the workbench, such as wooden walls and wooden floors. , Wooden Planks And Sticks.

When Liang Xianyue heard his words, she was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and made some planks, took them out and put them on the ground. Liang Kang happily drew lines on those boards and took out tools such as a hand saw.

The wooden box Liang Xianyue made couldn't hold the supplies they bought, wouldn't it be okay if he made it himself!

When Liang Kang touched those wooden walls, he felt that they were no different from the boards in reality. Besides, his daughter also said that their accounts were different from hers. It will not disappear, and it is no different from the real world in all aspects, so it is reasonable to use wooden boards to make a box furniture or something.

All kinds of hardware materials from the building materials store were also brought in by Liang Xianyue. Liang Kangshi got all the materials and immediately started to make wooden boxes.

Zhen Min came out and said hello when she saw it. "After you finished packing these wooden boxes, why don't you learn to make other furniture? The furniture in the house in the village has been used for more than 20 years, and it is even worse that no one has lived in it for a few years. Now the house at home The cabinets are all embedded in the wall and cannot be removed. If you can break out a few cabinets, we will be able to use new furniture when we go back." Although

Liang Kangshi often watched the carpenter make cabinets, he did not try it himself. At most, he nailed two ponytails with decoration leftovers. Seeing his wife and daughter looking at him with expectant eyes, Liang Kangshi was pushed away from the shelves, and he said bravely: "Wrap it on me! I'll find some patterns online to learn." Learn, let you pick whatever you want!"

Zhen Min and Liang Xianyue looked away in satisfaction.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Liang Xianyue's family returned home for lunch. The heavy snow still had no intention of stopping, but the temperature did not drop again. The news reported frequent blizzards in various places, and the news scrolled below said that the temperature has dropped sharply in recent days, and the power load of the city's power grid has soared sharply. Citizens are encouraged to use electric heating equipment at different times.

Liang Xianyue didn't want to turn on the air conditioner and electric blanket, but it was really cold! Especially at night, she saw comments under a lot of news, saying that there is no heating equipment in her home, and she can't feel her toes at night, so she had to use the original heating method, find out the hot water bottle that has been useless for nearly ten years, and put it every hour It is necessary to boil hot water and add it to the hot water bag.

The family came out of the warm island and returned to the home where the temperature was only in single digits. Even though they had put on thick clothes before coming out, they were still very uncomfortable.

The temperature difference is too big, worried about catching a cold, Zhen Min made brown sugar ginger tea for everyone to drink, specially used old ginger, made it thick, Liang Xianyue took a sip, and it was hot from throat to stomach Hot.

After the meal, a notice was sent out in the building group, calling for volunteers who are willing to go downstairs to sweep the snow. Another day of heavy snowfall and another blow of wind, the door of the unit might not be able to be opened. All the snowplows were conscripted by the government to clear the snow on key road sections, and the community had to use manpower to clear a small road.

Liang Xianyue's residential property has set up a group, because there are too many owners to fit in one group, so it is divided into groups according to specific buildings, and it is convenient to contact.

Liang Kangshi has been in Liang Xianyue's island space for more than five hours today, and seeing that the six-hour limit is about to be reached, he thought it would be cold to stay at home anyway, so he actively signed up as a volunteer, waiting In the afternoon, after the property management comes to distribute the tools, they can go downstairs to sweep the snow.

Zhen Min filled him with a cup of brown sugar ginger tea in a thermos, found a thick jacket and cashmere sweater, and told Liang Kangshi to go home if he felt cold.

Liang Kangshi put on the equipment that Zhen Min had prepared for him, and waited for the property to send the news of the assembly. Soon there was a notice in the group that the tools had been taken downstairs, and the volunteers who signed up were ready to go downstairs to sweep the snow.

On the afternoon when Liang Kangshi went out, Liang Xianyue and Zhen Min had been packing all kinds of food at home. Millet, red beans, mung beans, sorghum, black rice, and soybeans were put into sealed bags to draw out the air, and piled up on one side in a colorful pile. a lot. After working all afternoon, the two kept their heads down, their necks sore from exhaustion.

Liang Xianyue suddenly asked: "Mom, how long have you been in the space today?"

Zhen Min silently calculated in her heart, Liang Kangshi stayed all morning, more than five hours, and she came out once in the middle, so she replied Said: "More than three hours, almost four hours."

Liang Xianyue happily suggested: "Since there are still two hours left, how about we go to catch the sea?

" The mother and daughter hit it off, and immediately went to change clothes and get tools.

Soon, two people appeared on the island, Liang Xianyue was riding an electric bike with two pairs of long gloves in the basket, Zhen Min was on the back seat, holding a small bucket in his arms. This time they didn't go to the beach they had been to before, they planned to go to the reef beach farther away to have a look.

The wind blew the hair of the two of them. Zhen Min's expression was filled with anticipation. She really liked to go to the beach. Even if she drove for two hours to the beach, she couldn't beat the local sea-going army. disappointment. If you use the things popular among young people as a metaphor, it is like opening a blind box. Every time you turn over a rock, it is a new expectation. Maybe there is some treasure hidden under the rock.

Now this piece of sea belongs to their family! Countless sea goods are hidden in the beach and sea, as long as they take the time, they can return with a full load every time.

At this time, Zhen Min inadvertently looked behind her, and she was startled by this look, and she exclaimed: "Yueyue, there is a lion chasing our car! What should we do?" Liang Xianyue's heart skipped a

beat Jump, quickly calm down and let the electric car accelerate. She didn't look back, but just asked: "Mom, do you think it's catching up?"

Zhen Min's tone was full of doubts: "It's still chasing...it was left behind...now, it won't be chasing now."

In her impression, these beasts should be very fast. Although I haven't really seen these beasts running, logically speaking, they should be able to catch up with the speed of cars, not to mention electric cars. How could he be thrown off by the two of them riding an electric bike?

Liang Xianyue also heaved a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and explained according to her own guess: "Mom, think about it, this is a survival game. There are so many wild animals on the island. If all of them are as ferocious as they are in reality, then it will become a game of survival." Hell is difficult. When I play the game, if I have a weapon with enough attack power, I can still fight wild boars and tigers. I just thought their speed would not be too fast. After all, this island Space is also evolved from a game, and the rules haven't changed much. Sure enough, I guessed it right. Doesn't this throw off this lion?"

Zhen Min said with lingering fear: "If you're fine, don't go looking for these lions and tigers. trouble!"

Liang Xianyue smiled: "I'm not idle, don't worry." She murmured in her heart, lions and tigers don't drop materials, and if they want to find them, they will also find bison and black bears. If there is beef and fur, then it is worth her shot.

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