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Chapter 20 Work

Early the next morning, Liang Kangshi received a call from a stranger. Opposite is the government staff of the secret project that Huang Yifeng mentioned.

After confirming the basic information of Liang Kangshi's family, the staff arranged for them to go to the sales office of the community to receive simple training, and then officially started work in the afternoon.

The announcement about this project will be posted this morning, and there is no need to continue to keep it secret now. It doesn't matter if you tell Liang Kang in advance.

The staff said on the phone that the government has designated several completed buildings and some vocational high schools with dormitories. They will turn these places into shelters, and they will provide heating and basic food. The first batch of occupants Children under the age of 14 and their guardians.

Due to the limited space and other resources, a child can only be accompanied by one guardian. This is what Liang Kangshi and the three of them do as volunteers, initially reviewing and recording the identity of the people staying in the shelter. It is necessary to check whether the age of the child meets the requirements, whether the accompanying adult is really the guardian of the child, etc., and then record the basic information and kinship between the child and the guardian.

After the review is completed, the government will send vehicles to take them to the shelter, and Liang Xianyue's family will be responsible for reviewing the people who meet the requirements in the community they are currently living in. Community staff were also there during the meeting. Based on population data and average data, she initially estimated that there should not be more than 300 children under the age of 14 in the entire community.

If the speed is fast, the transfer of these people can be realized in a day and a half. At that time, Liang Xianyue's family can take the last bus to leave. Although they can't be sent directly to Liangjia Village, they can save a lot of walking.

Even if the person in charge of this project wants to help them more, they can't do it at all. The remaining road sections have not been cleared, and vehicles dare not drive in. They can only let Liang Xianyue's family get out of the car and walk back. It can be said that this opportunity is the most convenient way for their family to return to Liangjia Village, and it may also be the only way to get a ride.

After hearing the news from Liang Kangshi, Liang Xianyue also figured it out. Although the heating and water supply pipes were damaged a lot due to the low temperature, after repairing and maintenance, it is not that the heating cannot be achieved, but the heating of the whole city cannot be achieved. In order to save resources, some disadvantaged groups are concentrated in some communities and schools.

The first batch is children and their guardians. If there are vacancies in the shelter, pregnant women and the elderly will be given priority next. The remaining people are not abandoned, and the government will gradually arrange them into underground shelters. I heard that all the underground shopping malls in Anseong are currently undergoing renovation, and once the renovation is completed, citizens will be admitted immediately.

This news will be released along with the news that children can be transferred to shelters, lest some people who think they have been abandoned by the government act irrationally in desperation and disrupt social order.

The time was urgent, and the family rushed to the sales office for training immediately. It was said to be training, but in fact it was just a small meeting, and some precautions were mentioned, so that they were familiar with the information to fill in the report. Liang Xianyue's volunteer position is mainly for qualification review. This job has the opportunity to benefit from covering up people who do not meet the regulations. Moreover, because of the inconvenient transportation, volunteers are recruited from nearby communities. Good acquaintances, that's why someone needs a guarantee to avoid unfair situations as much as possible.

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