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Chapter 24 Market (1)

Liang Xianyue went home and told his parents what happened today. Liang Kangshi didn't go up the mountain to cut trees, and everyone forgot to call him during the search and rescue. In addition, Liang Xianyue went with him, so there was no need for two people in the family, so he was kept in the dark until Liang Xianyue came back and told him.

"Why don't you come back and tell me? It's fine if I go for you. I said you go to the village chief to talk about the matter. How can you talk about it now? You still want to go to the village chief's house to find you. It's cold on the mountain, come here and cover the quilt " Liang Kangshi beckoned Liang Xianyue to get under the bed.

Liang Xianyue's display of strength is getting stronger and stronger, and now she is like the pillar of the family. Zhen Min has full confidence in her and is not as nervous as Liang Kang: "Yueyue is really capable, don't say you went for Yueyue, you didn't Yueyue is so careful, she may not be able to find the footprints on the ground."

Liang Kangshi admitted: "That's true."

He also said: "Fortunately, Liang He was found. The husband and wife are hard-working people. If Liang He has any troubles, It's not easy for Wan Cui to take care of the child alone. Liang He didn't freeze, is it good or bad?"

Liang Xianyue recalled: "The time he was left alone on the mountain was not long, and the clothes were thick enough. I think Uncle Liang He is in good shape. It's pretty good too, I can write with my hand after it's warmed up."

"That shouldn't be a big deal," Zhen Min said.

"By the way," Zhen Min showed a mysterious smile, "Your father has prepared a surprise for you, go and see it quickly."

Liang Xianyue immediately became interested, and got out of bed: "What surprise?"

Liang Kangshi led Liang Xianyue to the small bedroom at the back of the main room. It was not very big. There was a big bed before, and there was only a little room for footsteps. No one lives here now, the big bed has been moved away long ago, and the room was originally empty.

Now there is a small house built of wooden boards, with thick cushions inside.

Liang Kangshi pulled out a puppy from inside.

The puppy is black, only the eyebrows, cheeks, a little on the chest and four paws are yellow. It was lifted up by pinching the back of the neck, and its front paws helplessly planed in the air. Its bright black eyes looked a little innocent, and it looked at Liang Xianyue timidly.

Liang Xianyue quickly took the puppy and hugged it in her arms. It looks round and round, but it is light in the arms. The puppy hugged Liang Xianyue's arm with its two front paws, whimpering and whimpering: "Woooo~ow~"

"Whose puppy?" Liang Xianyue said while stroking the dog's head.

Liang Kangshi smiled: "Du Kai's family, his bitch gave birth to a litter of puppies two months ago, and then it snowed and the temperature dropped, so there are only two left to feed. I heard that the family wants to raise one. Dog, hurry up and let me pick it up, I'm afraid I won't be able to give it away when it grows up, and there will be more mouths in the family."

Liang Xianyue lifted up the puppy, this puppy is a small rural dog, which is quite suitable for Liang Xianyue At that time, the original intention of raising a dog was to feed him, protect the master, and be vigilant. After this winter, the puppy will grow up, and when the time comes, he will move his nest to the yard and be able to look after his home.

Liang Kangshi said on the side: "Don't look at it now, it's a good-looking dog, what's the name of the pattern on its body, oh yes, iron covered with gold. And the thin brothers and sisters in his litter all froze to death That's it, it and the other one are left, which means that it must be in good shape, and the bitch fed the two puppies with milk in the end, look at the little milk fat it has."

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