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Chapter 37 Visiting Relatives

Liang He's family.

Wan Cui is stirring the rice that has been taken out to dry before spreading it out. She has been preparing for the flood since she came back from Liang Xianyue's class. She put a lot of food at home into airtight jars. She also put other food in the house on the beams of the wing room, and the damage caused by the flood was not much.

Liang He walked in from the outside with a happy expression on his face.

"What's the matter, did you find money when you went out?" Wan Cui asked.

Liang He gestured twice, but felt that he was unclear, so he went to the house to find a pen and paper. The paper was soaked in water, and the tip of the pen would puncture as soon as it was forcefully applied. A short sentence made Liang He terribly anxious.

【Brother is found, injured, wakes up】

Wan Cui understood this sentence in her heart. Liang Xing was washed away when the flood just started. His wife and son shouted for help. These days, they asked people everywhere to help find Liang Xing. field.

Although Wan Cui himself didn't want to be relatives with his big brother who always took advantage of the small things, but he was not yet looking forward to his death, and it was a good thing to burn incense and worship Buddha if he could really find him back.

She thought so in her heart, but she spat: "I said that people can be found. Good people don't live long, and the disaster will last for thousands of years!"

She looked at Liang He who couldn't help but smirked: "Now don't worry, go and get rid of it." Take out the quilts at home to dry, don't waste the good sun."


Many villagers in Liangjia Village have soaked things in their homes and can't use them. Many people feel that the snow has melted and the flood has receded. It's time to get back to normal. I also wanted to ride my family's tricycle to the city to buy daily necessities, but I came back halfway through the ride.

"The water in the city is so deep! I parked the car uphill and didn't go down. I saw that the first floors of those buildings were all in the water, and the shops were not open, so I came back quickly." Unable to buy daily necessities, the

villagers I also stopped thinking about going to the city. Seeing that the weather was as hot as May, I thought about spring plowing again.

Farming started in February. Speaking of Liangjia Village in the past, people would laugh at you as a layman who had never farmed. The climate here is one harvest a year. The villagers sow corn seeds in early May and harvest in October. Potatoes are later, and potatoes and radish cabbage are more hardy and can be harvested later.

Start planting in February, unless the sun comes out in the west!

But the sun is really not normal. The past few days have been sunny every day. The warm sun has dried everyone's bedding and clothes soaked in the flood, and dried the damp ground at home, making everyone very happy.

Many people went to their own fields to see, because the cultivated land in Liangjia Village was all terraced fields in the mountains, which were severely damaged by the flood. It needs to be dried before plowing and sowing.

So the villagers had no choice but to turn their targets to the vegetable fields in their own yards and front and back yards. After this winter, everyone urgently felt the need for food and vegetables, and started planting vegetables everywhere. Many people also quietly changed their original plan of planting corn to planting potatoes and sweet potatoes. These crops have higher yields, and corn needs to be ground. It is very laborious to push the stone mill when there is no electricity, but potatoes and sweet potatoes can be steamed directly. eat.

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