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Chapter 13 Oysters

The electric car drove along the coast for more than ten minutes, and the road conditions became rough, with large and small stones all over the place, both of them were dizzy, so Liang Xianyue stopped and put the electric car into his backpack.

She and Zhen Min decided to catch the sea here.

They walked towards the sea from the gravel-covered seaside, and the time to obtain the island space was too short. Liang Xianyue hadn't figured out the law of the tide, so he could only try his luck in the afternoon. It was a bit late last time when I came to catch the sea, so it can be said that I caught up with the late tide.

Today's time is just right, the sea recedes far away. With sharp eyesight, Zhen Min saw a large piece of oysters on the reef at a glance.

"Where is it?" Liang Xianyue followed Zhen Min's finger to look.

"It's all over here!" Zhen Min walked two steps excitedly, "Did you see that, those gray, protruding parts of the rocks are full of oysters!" Liang Xianyue also became excited, really, those

rocks If you look closely, there are at least three or four oysters of different sizes on each piece.

Zhen Min taught Liang Xianyue how to pry an oyster: "Use this chisel to aim at the place where the oyster sticks to the rock, find a good angle and tap it lightly with a hammer." I didn't see how hard she was, one was bigger than that

slap The oysters were gently and delicately separated from the rocks.

Liang Xianyue said strangely: "Mom, do you know there are oysters here?" "It

's my first time here too, how would I know what's here." "

Then why do you even bring a hammer and a chisel?" Liang Lianyue herself didn't bring these two tools, she only brought a shovel and a hook.

Zhen Min showed the bucket in her hand to Liang Xianyue, there were so many tools inside, no wonder the bucket looked heavy, it was half full before reaching the beach.

Liang Xianyue had no choice but to say: "Mom, I'll put away the ones you don't need first, it's really heavy for you to carry."

Zhen Min also felt that it made sense after hearing this. She always forgot that her daughter could put things in the backpack, which was very convenient and didn't require much effort to carry, so she took out many tools that she didn't need and asked Liang Xianyue to put them in the backpack inside.

There are too many oysters here, what they have to worry about is not the problem of the air force, but that they can't take many away at all, so they have to pick a big one.

Liang Xianyue also took the hammer and chisel, imitating Zhen Min's posture and tapped lightly, but it didn't move. With a little more effort, the oyster finally fell off the rock and landed on the palm of her hand that was reaching out to catch it.

Liang Xianyue happily put away the big oyster, turned around and aimed at another one. She thought she already had a hand feel, but when she chiseled this, it might be because the angle was wrong, or the oyster and the rock were too tightly glued. She was holding half of the oyster shell with full oyster meat in her hand, and froze in place.

The only good thing is that the oyster meat is on the oyster shell in her hand, and it did not fall to the ground after being pried open, and it is still clean.

The plump oyster meat looks very attractive. Oysters can be eaten raw, but beware of parasites. There should be no parasites in the seafood on the island, but Liang Xianyue hesitated for a while, but still didn't say anything, just put half an oyster into the backpack. Anyway, the backpack is a dimensional space, and half an oyster will not get dirty if you put it in it.

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