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Chapter 32 Grilled Fish

Liang Xianyue found a recipe for pan-fried parrotfish in her stored data. Make it step by step according to the above steps. It's just that the recipe above is a palm-sized small fish, so it can be fried whole in a pan.

However, the parrotfish she caught was a bit big, and the whole fish was not tasty and cooked slowly, so it was changed to fried fish pieces.

And this recipe also specifically mentions that the scales of parrotfish do not need to be removed, and the fried fish scales are particularly crispy and have a flavor.

Liang Xianyue looked at the fine and dense scales on the small fish in other people's pictures, and then at the large and thick scales on the fish in her hand. Although she was inclined to believe what the recipe said, she decided to scrape off the scales , and next time she catches a smaller parrotfish, try eating without scraping the scales.

The fried parrotfish meat is tender and smooth, because there are no small burrs, and the large pieces of fish taste very refreshing. The scales, viscera and head of this five-jin fish were removed, and there was still more than three catties of pure meat. After frying the fish, Liang Xianyue's family and Xiao Hei ate it all in one meal.

As for the yellow-toothed bream, which was just over a catty, it was first marinated with salt, black pepper, cumin and white wine, then brushed with a little oil, and baked in the oven. The cooking process is very simple. Liang Xianyue also tried to spread thinly sliced ​​butter on a few pieces of fish, wanting to taste the taste of butter and black pepper grilled fish.

The grilled fish is really delicious too. The fish meat is golden in color, and the white fish meat inside is revealed when you open it with chopsticks. The thick meat of the grilled yellow tooth snapper is soft and tender, while the thin meat is slightly charred, making it crispy and elastic.

Eat the pieces with butter, the fish seems to be more tender, with a mellow aroma of butter.

The two langoustines were also boiled. Although the meat was not much, it was indeed extremely delicious. Although Liang Xianyue has never eaten lobster, but thinking about the umami taste of lobster, it is nothing more than that. There was still the frozen big bass in the refrigerator. Liang Xianyue's trip to sea this time was really fruitful, which made her want to make another piece of pork chop into fresh meat bait, and go fishing tomorrow.

But she already has other plans, exploring the rest of the island on her little scooter. This plan has been in his mind for a long time, and now he finally has time to implement it.

The villain in Liang Xianyue took a hammer to wake herself up, there is no future for being a fisherman! There is still a vast island waiting for her to explore, and those unknown resources are waiting for her to obtain. Liang Xianyue's island adventure journey is about to begin!

When she told her parents about the plan, Zhen Min and Liang Kangshi did not object, but made many suggestions.

"If you go far away, where will you stay at night?" Liang Kang asked in a daze.

Liang Xianyue laughed: "Did you forget that I can still leave the island? Of course I will go back to sleep at home in the real world at night. Could it be that I don't sleep on a comfortable bed, but sleep under a big tree?" Liang

Kangshi He slapped his head: "I forgot, haha."

Zhen Min's doubts were more constructive than Liang Kang's: "This island is so big, what if you get lost after walking too far? We should have bought some fireworks at that time, if you If you get lost in other places, let's set off fireworks here, maybe you will find your way." "

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