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Chapter 64 Hawthorn

The wound on Liang Kangshi's back had scabbed over, a large lump of hideous blood scab, and it was already foreseeable that a striking scar would be left in the future.

Liang Kangshi didn't take it seriously: "What's wrong with the scars on the man's body, I can't see them anyway. Besides, even if the scars are on the face, your mother won't dislike me." Zhen Min turned her face away: "Who

said I don't dislike it, you don't know how ugly that scar is, if it grows on your face, you will always wear a dust mask in the future, so as not to scare our mother and daughter." In the past two days, Ji Mingcen came to Liang Xianyue's house to pour it

out The broken wall was rebuilt. At that time, he had mentioned that he would help build the wall, Ji Mingcen said it casually, and Liang Xianyue also agreed casually. Unexpectedly, he really learned how to build walls, and he also brought cement and other materials with him. The final wall was neatly built, except for the fact that the cement was newer than the one next to it, and there was hardly any trace of the wall being repaired.

Liang Xianyue wanted to persuade him to wait until the sandstorm was over before repairing the fence, but Ji Mingcen said that he didn't know when the sandstorm would disappear, and if it started to snow heavily after it disappeared, the fence would have no chance to be repaired. The Yue family will not feel at ease.

What he said also made sense. The sandstorm weather continued to cover the sun, and the temperature was getting lower and lower day by day, and now only single digits remained. Liang Xianyue changed into thin autumn clothes in just two weeks, and then quickly changed into late autumn clothes. It was time to find out the winter padded jacket.

To reciprocate, Liang Kangshi was going to help Ji Mingcen in the kang. These days, Ji Mingcen has gradually moved his things from the classroom where he used to live to the small supermarket. The small supermarket used to be converted from a private house, and the middle walls were opened to make room for it. The original kang was also demolished, and now they have to be rebuilt if they want to live in it. Fortunately, the chimney is ready-made, which saves a lot of trouble.

"Have you prepared all the materials?" Liang Kangshi asked Liang Xianyue before leaving the house.

"I used the bricks left over from our house to build the wall. Huangni Xiaoji went to the back mountain to dig. There was nothing missing, but I, an experienced person, was missing the guidance." Liang Kangshi boasted.

Most of the bricks used by Liang Xianyue's family to repair the wall were intact bricks picked up by Huang Yifeng from the room in front of the small supermarket, because their family was not going to rebuild the warehouse, so they didn't need so much to repair the wall, so there were some left over. Brick moved around, and finally returned to the small supermarket.

"Okay, then go get busy." Liang Xianyue handed over the dust mask to Liang Kangshi.

Zhen Min who was in the room suddenly poked his head out and told loudly: "You are still injured, don't make big moves!"

Liang Kangshi repeatedly agreed: "I know! I said it was a guide, and I won't help you!"


Liang Kangshi After leaving, Liang Xianyue and Zhen Min came to the island to get busy. A few days ago, Liang Xianyue ate boiled edamame. Although the beans were plump at that time, their branches and leaves were still green, but now they have completely turned yellow in just a few days.

Red beans and mung beans were also harvested together. The pods of red beans and mung beans are slender, unlike soybeans, which only have two or three beans. Liang Xianyue picked a crisp pod and twisted it open, and saw that the red beans inside were large and plump, dark in color Red, there are not a few deflated beans in the whole pod, it seems that this crop of red beans is growing well.

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