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Chapter 57

It took only two days for the small supermarket to reorganize and reopen, and Huang Yifeng actually received several villagers who wanted to sell the potatoes they collected at home.

He also asked the reason insincerely, but these villagers kept silent, or gave other reasons to perfunctory.

Huang Yifeng found Liang Kangshi strangely: "Did something happen in the village recently? Why did they suddenly sell potatoes?"

Liang Kangshi didn't even know about it. He said indifferently: "If they dare to sell you, why don't you dare to buy? Didn't you worry about not being able to buy potatoes a few days ago? This is just right. If you can't eat so many potatoes, you can also accept some for me. I went home and carried two bags of rice to the small supermarket. By the way, how many potatoes can I exchange for a catty of fine grains now?" "Generally, four

catties of potatoes are exchanged for one catty of rice. When they are in a hurry, there are also five catties of potatoes for one." When the rice is a catty."

The fields in Liangjia Village do not produce refined grains. People of Liang Kangshi's age have never planted wheat and rice on their land since they were young. Everyone has no such experience, and the years are not good, so they dare not plant rashly. new crop. Therefore, if the whole village wants to eat fine grains, it has to exchange the things they grow.

When the government exchanged supplies last winter, it harvested corn and potatoes and replaced them with rice and flour. There is no other place to buy rice noodles, and this is almost the only way for the villagers to get fine grains. Most of the rice and noodles in the villagers' homes are uneaten in exchange for last winter, which has become a hard currency in the circulation of commodities in the village. On weekdays, when buying things in small supermarkets, other things may not be safe, and rice must be spent. of.

When corn was hit by disasters this year, the agricultural station often sent staff down to check. Some villagers are worried about whether there will be enough corn to exchange for fine grains this year. The staff of the agricultural station have euphemistically reminded that there are large and small pests and diseases in the grain production areas of the country, and the drought is also very serious. This year may not be like last year. A lot of fine grains can be traded, so I remind everyone to save some rice and flour, and also eat cornmeal and other coarse grains together, so as not to only have coarse grains left in the future.

When the news came out, the prices of rice and flour rose visibly to the naked eye. Last year, two catties of potatoes could be exchanged for one catty of rice. Now Huang Yifeng wants four catties of potatoes, and many people are willing.

People can eat rice every day, but they cannot eat potatoes every day. Anyway, the majority of people in Liangjia Village are not hungry enough to eat, so if they eat finer grains, it won't hurt their stomachs. Besides, potatoes are not as suitable for storage as rice. If one is not stored properly, it will germinate and turn green and cannot be eaten.

"You don't need to send rice to me," Huang Yifeng stopped Liang Kang, "We both run a small supermarket together, and you still have a lot of dividends with me, so I'll take it out and exchange it for potatoes." Liang Kang just

forgot Forget it, I feel that these are not enough: "Those dividends are also counted, and I add two bags of rice. I will take this opportunity to exchange for more."

Huang Yifeng felt strange: "If you collect so many potatoes, you are sure that the grain base will come down this year to exchange Is there any news about coal? Is there any news?"

"I haven't heard any news. It's all guesswork. Our crops here have reduced production, diseases and insect pests have not come up with an effective solution so far, and the output of the grain base will not increase. How can it be so good? If he wants to support so many people, what will he do if he doesn't collect food from our villages? What the countryside lacks most now is of course coal for the winter. This deal is beneficial to both parties, and it cannot be broken casually Yes." Liang Kangshi said confidently, "So it's right to collect some potatoes first."

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