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Chapter 89

When Liang Kangshi went to the base to attend a lecture, the rear compartment was packed to the brim.

He first proposed a large cage, in which were two little piglets clung together nervously.

"Recently, two sows gave birth to piglets in the base, one gave birth to 16 piglets, and the other gave birth to 22 piglets! Lao Yang, who is in charge of raising pigs, walks like a float now, and people ask him what he eats at noon. He said, 'How do you know that my pig gave birth to twenty-two piglets!'"

Liang Xianyue took the cage with a smile. "Thirty or so piglets, shouldn't be enough?" Pigs are easy to feed and grow meat quickly. The piglets caught now can grow to two to three hundred catties by the time of the New Year. It is very cost-effective to kill and eat meat or sell it to the base. There are piglets for sale, and those who have farms must want to catch some of them.

"Not enough points," Liang Kangshi said in a drawn-out voice, "I just got these two by lottery, and some people were unlucky and didn't get any of them. The twenty or so people who have farms in our families all want pigs." Boy, there is really no way to divide evenly. I wrote more than 20 pieces of paper with numbers on them, one end, two ends, three ends, and some were written with zero, and I threw them into the cardboard box for people to touch. Before I drew lots, I I washed my hands well, and it's a good thing I didn't come back from scratching eggs!"

"Then put the piglets in the pen and build a shed for them." The livestock pens are all ready-made, and there are no animals on the farm now. Fill all the circles. These two piglets have just been weaned, so they need to build a warm nest for them.

"I even forgot, there is a lamb here."

As he spoke, Liang Kang took out another cardboard box.

Liang Xianyue has already gone looking for materials to build a nest for the piglets, and Zhen Min took the cardboard box. She asked strangely: "Didn't we use up the quota for buying sheep? Let it go again?" "

This is not a sheep from the base. It was sold to me by the owner of Farm No. 6."

Zhen Min looked at the lamb in the cardboard box Not very energetic, and reached out to touch its nose, "Is this sick? That can't be kept with our sheep."

"It should be hungry." Liang Kangshi explained, "The owner of Farm No. 6 also raised a pregnant ewe, but the ewe died shortly after giving birth, and the lamb had no milk to drink. Farmer No. 6 this morning I fed some rice cereal, and hurried to the base to see who has a ewe that has just calved, so as not to let the lamb starve to death. I thought it was cheap, so I bought it." The ewe of their

family The sheep didn't have long cubs. After hearing this, Zhen Min hurriedly carried the lamb into the sheepfold. The lamb stood up unsteadily, saw the ewe in front of him, and hurried over to drink milk.

But the ewe didn't recognize it, and strode away. The lamb who had just arrived stumbled after him, but was almost kicked by the ewe. In the end, he didn't dare to pass, and a sheep shrank in the corner of the sheepfold aggrievedly, looking at the other sheep timidly.

This is not acceptable, without milk, the lamb will starve to death soon. Zhen Min tried to put the lamb to the ewe several times, but the ewe refused to accept it. It's good to run away, and sometimes I want to use the lamb on my head.

There was no other way, so Zhen Min had no choice but to find a milk bottle and feed the squeezed milk to this new lamb. The lamb drank the milk, and immediately gulped it down.

The time for the lamb to come is a bit late. If the ewe is giving birth, you can use the liquid from the ewe's own baby's body to smear the lamb on the lamb to confuse the ewe with its smell. Now that the ewes can distinguish their offspring, they will no longer accept it.

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