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Chapter 34 Flood (1)

After Liang Xianyue sent everyone away, she realized that her mouth was dry and her throat was about to smoke.

Zhen Min quickly poured her a cup of honey linden flower tea, Liang Xianyue drank it all in one gulp, and said after a while, "You guys remember what I just said?" Zhen Min nodded: "I

'll Standing aside and listening, I remembered everything. The method you said of using mineral water bottles as life jackets is really ingenious, and our family has a lot of empty mineral water bottles." Liang Xianyue's family bought several tons of mineral water before the blizzard. When they were in the city, everyone went out to dig snow water, and they stayed at home to drink mineral water.

Later, when I returned to Liangjia Village, I drank mineral water for a while at first. Later, I found out that the well at home had been drilled deep and was not frozen, so I drank the well water again.

In this way, I also saved a lot of empty mineral water bottles. Zhen Min is in charge of the supplies at home, whether it's empty cans or mineral water bottles, she keeps them properly. These are things that can be used in daily life by changing them casually.

Thinking of the mineral water bottles filled with several sacks, big and small, Zhen Min felt relieved. At that time, she didn't have time to buy swimming rings and rubber boats. Fortunately, she could make a life jacket with mineral water bottles. Liang Xianyue was still on the island. Made boats.

Thinking of the birch bark boat, Zhen Min asked Liang Xianyue: "Can that boat be taken out? I can swim with your dad, but you are half a landlubber, and you can't do a few splashes with a mineral water bottle life jacket, right?"

She As soon as Liang Xianyue mentioned this, she was a little worried, who made her not a good swimmer. Liang Xianyue said: "No matter how good you two swim, the flood is different from the swimming pool and the calm sea. No one is allowed to enter the water. The three of us will take that boat together. If others see it, If you ask where the boat came from, just find any reason to confuse it, it's just a boat, not a yacht."

Liang Kangshi said aside: "In the past few days, let's put all the things in the house, and put away the food in the wing room. Get up, the coal and firewood in the barn have also been received in the island, and we will keep the amount burned in the past few days. As soon as we find something is wrong, Yueyue only needs to put away a few cupboards and her own bed, and then we will immediately Run outside."

"Where are you going?" Zhen Min asked. Their house has only one floor, and it would be fine if the flood level was low, but if it was high, it might flood her house to the top, and she definitely couldn't stay there.

"Shall we go to fourth grandpa's house?" Liang Xianyue suggested. "The fourth grandpa's house is a small two-story building, and the terrain of his house is not low. I remember that there is a room on the second floor with a concrete roof and a granary on it, right? That must be the highest place near our house." The fourth

grandpa Two years ago, the family built a new two-story building. The practice here in Liangjia Village is to build a flat-roofed wing room in addition to the main house. The wing room is used to store sundries on weekdays. The roof of the wing room can be used to dry food and enjoy the shade at night in summer . In fact, the main reason is that the cost of tile roofs is much higher than that of cement roofs, but cement roofs are cold in winter and hot in summer, and the comfort of living is not as good as that of tile roofs. But there is no need for people to live in the wing room, so every family has a bungalow like this.

"Yes," Liang Kangshi echoed, "We couldn't leave fourth uncle and fourth aunt behind. The old man has slow legs and can't move quickly like us. It would be more convenient to move to the roof of our own house." Two problems were solved at once

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