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Chapter 63 Sauerkraut

The villagers of Liangjia Village have been in a lot of trouble these days because of the sandstorm, but there is also a good thing, that is, the food base took advantage of this opportunity to go to the countryside to collect supplies, and sent people to dig a deep well for them. eased a bit.

Coughing came and went in the long water fetching line. At first glance, everyone is fully armed, trying to cover their mouths, nose, eyes and ears, as if they have been cut off from the sand and dust, but when you look closely, you can see the red and swollen eyes of the villagers due to inflammation, and the dusty eyes under the gauze. Face.

Dust is pervasive, and unless it stays outside, there is no way to isolate it. It can take half an hour to fetch a bucket of water at least, or even an hour at most. The villagers are crying and their throats are constantly itchy, and they only hope to fetch water and go home earlier.

Suddenly, a man who was interrupted in the line suddenly coughed heart-piercingly. He knelt on the ground, as if feeling out of breath, and wanted to take off the mask he was wearing. But after taking it off, the cough became worse, and I couldn't breathe even more, and my face became discolored.

"Hurry, help me to the next room!"

Someone reminded, and the people next to the man hurriedly picked him up and took him to the nearby house.

"It's scary, why can't you breathe suddenly?" There were whispers in the crowd. "Is there something wrong with this dust?"

After saying this, everyone panicked. Someone urged the front to fetch water quickly and speed up. Some people became more and more frightened when they thought about it, and simply went home with a bucket. The crowd was chaotic, and suddenly a voice overwhelmed the noisy discussion: "I know him, he has bronchitis, but it's just because of the dusty weather, don't scare yourself!

" weakened, but everyone couldn't help but mutter to themselves, this person has a little tracheal problem, and it's justifiable to have an attack. Although they are healthy, if they stay in this kind of weather for a long time, sooner or later they will have some problems. I haven't seen many people have eye and throat inflammation, and it's only a matter of time before it develops into a more serious disease.

But how can a person stay in the house all day long, among other things, fetching water and chopping firewood are important things that cannot be delayed. I just hope that the sandstorm will pass quickly, even if the cold weather comes immediately, it will be better than it is now!

A villager who was still standing in a long line by the well couldn't help but think of those families who moved to the grain base with the convoy of supplies a few days ago. There must be everything here, this is to enjoy the blessing!

I was lucky that my house was not damaged in the earthquake, but now it seems that it might as well just collapse. Anyway, I can't afford to build a house and have nowhere to go, and the base is willing to take it in. Some people were still reluctant to leave Liangjia Village when they moved out, and they acted as if they were unwilling to leave Liangjia Village. They must be playing a show for them who are not qualified to live in the base. He picked people up directly, just because he was afraid that those who couldn't leave would be jealous.

How can you not be jealous? The villager sighed, he was really fed up with the endless natural disasters and the field where he didn't get a corresponding reward for his efforts. He felt itchy in his throat, coughed twice, pulled off his mask and spit a mouthful of phlegm on the ground, as if he saw bloodshot eyes in the phlegm, the crowd who fetched water moved two steps forward, and he followed I went up and didn't take a closer look.

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