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set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 68

In the early morning of this day, just after dawn, Liang Xianyue was still immersed in sleep, when she suddenly felt a slight shaking of the bed under her body, followed by Xiao Hei's loud barking.

She opened her eyes suddenly, her first reaction was, another earthquake?

Grabbing the coat next to her and putting it on her body, Liang Xianyue ran out of the room without thinking. Zhen Min and Liang Kangshi were also awakened. Their faces were also full of panic. The three of them ran into the yard together, apprehensive Crouch down and wait for the possible earthquake.

As a result, the ground only shook slightly twice, and soon stopped.

Not an earthquake?

Liang Xianyue looked around suspiciously. The ground shook very little, and it only lasted for about a minute. Even the bamboo broom placed by the wall was still leaning firmly against the wall. If it wasn't for Xiao Hei's cry, he woke up Without them, several people may still be in dreamland.

"I don't think it's an earthquake." Liang Xianyue said.

Although they thought so, the three of them still dare not go home. After experiencing the last earthquake, they were much more cautious. Liang Xianyue took clothes and chairs from the island, and the three of them sat in the yard like this.

"We got up early to watch the sunrise." Liang Kangshi was still in the mood to joke after he calmed down.

Like them, most of the people in Liangjia Village were afraid to continue sleeping in the yard. Everyone had experienced earthquakes and knew that they should find an open place to stay at this time.

After waiting for a while, many people relaxed their vigilance, thinking that this was just an aftershock. Many of them still remember that when the base sent people to help the people affected by the earthquake, they repeatedly mentioned to them that the aftershocks of the earthquake may not necessarily follow the main shock, and it is very likely that they will come after the main shock. A few months or even a year or two.

Anyway, the ground just shook a few times, and there were no other abnormalities. The temperature in the morning was still very low, and most people who ran out wore thin clothes. go home.

Just when they were about to go back home to continue sleeping or simply pack up and make breakfast, a red morning glow suddenly rolled over the sky. Is it sunrise?

Turning his head and glanced in the east direction, everyone froze in place.

The sun did not appear, but the clouds in the sky were glowing red. Such a large piece of gorgeous cloud, showing a shocking red color, occupies a large area of ​​the sky in the east, and some bright orange-red can be vaguely seen at the bottom of the thick cloud layer, as if there is a big fire burning in the sky.

Is this still... Zhaoxia?

Thinking of the earthquake just now, many older villagers knelt down tremblingly on the ground, bowed to this huge and gorgeous cloud, and murmured: "God is angry and wants to take us away!" ..."

Liang Xianyue stared dumbfounded at the magnificent scene in the sky, thinking something was wrong in her heart, she quickly recalled the scene in her prophetic dream.

The huge submarine volcano accumulated strength and finally erupted completely. The moment this super volcano erupted, the calm sea suddenly set off raging waves. The erupted volcano was the center, and countless waves scattered continuously to the surroundings, forming a tsunami. The huge tsunami even crossed the vast ocean and came to the coast. the other side.

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