When the Day Met the Night

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I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in and let out a small smile at the sketch I created. Two hands are reaching for each other and I've tried to give a hint at stars in the background and flows of fabric near the bottom. The fabric pulls up at the ends in a banner-like manner and the title of the single will be written within.

"So once I start to work on this digitally, I can include a night sky and other elements into this and we can make it a full digital painting," I explain to them. I look up at them for the first time since I heard the single.

They all have differently sized smiles on their faces and I can't help but grin right back at them. Brendon's is more of a smirk and I've decided that the only thing that I like about him at this point is his face. But I guess I should appreciate how he came to the room to get me and...I think tried to make me feel better?

"This looks great, Artesia," Louis tells me.

"It's-" I begin but I'm cut off by the four of them as they all chime my name in unison. I can't help but laugh because Louis really hasn't been the kindest guy in the room today.

"Sorry, Asteria. My apologies." I shrug and accidentally give a small eye roll. "Could you have a sample of this for us by Friday?"

I almost flinch at the thought that he wants this in about 48 hours but nod. I know I'm capable but that doesn't make it less intimidating. We all pack up and exit the room, everyone having their own conversations as I quietly take my last sip of coffee and check the time.

"It's about lunch time for you, isn't it?" I look up and feel my eyebrows pull closer together when I realize it's Brendon speaking to me.

"Yeah, just about."

"How long is your break, Asteria." I purse my lips at his obvious attitude.

"It's an hour long, Brendon." I return his smart mouth right back to him.

"Well, are you hungry or did the twelve cinnamon rolls fill you up?"

"I only had two!" I tell him. What is wrong with him? How can that face be so immature?

"Oh, perfect, then you're hungry!"

"Well I-"

"Great! I guess we're having lunch together, what a great idea!" I let out a sigh and realize that he's not someone I'll win an argument against and I can't help but be happy about the idea of having lunch with Brendon Urie.

"Sure, let me just drop my stuff off at my desk." He follows me quietly, practically- no, literally dancing through the aisles. I try my hardest not to laugh. I place my bag underneath my desk and pull my small purse from it.

"Oh my gosh! A bag within a bag! A bagception!" he exclaims and this time I can't stop the drastic eye roll that I've been holding in this whole walk. "Are you always this sassy?"

"Are you always this immature?"

He grabs my hands in his and looks me directly in the eye.

"Every single waking moment of my life," he sings, and I mean literally sings, in an opera style fashion. I'm beginning to become exhausted with Brendon Urie and his mass amounts of energy. I give him another eye roll and a quick sigh and begin to walk out of the office while he snickers behind me.

"You seem like you have a very small amount of patience."

"I do. And yet, here you are, continuing to test it."

"Alright, alright. I'll behave," he says and gives me what I'm assuming is the most innocent smile he can muster up.

We head out of the office and he insists on driving in the New York traffic. As I get into his car I begin to get a little nervous.

"Um, where are we going?" I ask.

"On a picnic, obviously." He says with a grin.

"I'm sorry for failing to see how obvious it is that were going on a picnic with no picnic basket or any kind of picnic categorized item in this vehicle."

He chuckles and pulls in to a cafe.

"No need to take off your seat belt I ordered online. I'll be right out "

"So you just assumed I'd go with you?"

"Nope! Just hopeful," he says with a smile and shuts the car door. I'm incredibly thrown off not only by how friendly he's being but by the fact that it's to me. I'm not allowed enough time with my thoughts and suspicions. I'm startled by the drivers side door opening up and revealing a grinning Brendon holding two coffee cups and a bag with what I'm assuming is our lunch.

"Tah dah! Your panini m'lady," he says and hands me the bag.

"So where will we be enjoying this picnic? It's New York. We can't go very far if I'm going to have to be back in an hour."

"Yeah, yeah, traffic. I know a place. It's a surprise."

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