Hey Stranger, I Want You To Catch Me Like A Cold

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I ended up not sleeping at all last night, fiddling around with my guitar at the top of that building wishing she was next to me. I tried to write a melody that did her justice but I couldn't. Yes, if there's a girl that'll change me, its definitely her.

It's 7:20am and I've showered and still can't get her out of my head. I decide to text her.

Good morning, beautiful. I can't wait to see you tonight. I won't be late.

I can't help but smile because I can picture her either smirking or rolling her eyes.

It's a date.

Lucky me.

That got an eye roll for sure. I get another text, but this time it's from Kenneth.


Kenneth, it's not even eight o'clock in the fucking morning what the hell do you mean lunch.

Oh shit Lol breakfast sorry.

Yeah where do you wanna go?

Idk dude IHOP?

Gross. I'll meet you.

I change into jeans and a T-shirt, put a beanie on and head out. When I get there he's waiting in his car. I knock on the window.

"Hurry up! I'm hungry!"

"Calm down, princess." I bat my eyelashes at him and we head into the diner.

"Why are you up so early?" He's obviously tired I don't know why the fuck he's up.

"Couldn't really go back to sleep. I'm excited to see this single artwork." I nod in agreement, wondering what it'll look like when the goddess is done.

"Yeah. I can't wait to see how great it is."

"Not how great she is?"

"Get the fuck out of here with that shit."

We order and have some coffee. I can tell he wants to talk about something but he doesn't know how.

"What on your mind man?" I realize I've been constantly checking my phone since we got here.

"The same thing that's on your mind."


"Look I get it. She's beautiful. She's sassy. She's got an edge. She's a challenge."

"Yeah," I say with a smile. I love that spark about her. She's so lively. And those eyes. That smile.

"I can tell that you're into her. You've got that look. But she's different Brendon. She's not like the last girl you felt like this about. She's not like Caroline." I furrow my brow at the mention of her name, guilt sinking into me.

"Why do you act like you know so much about her?"

"Because I do."

"Bull shit."

"Her best friend is my half brother."

"What the fuck? Who?"

"I just found out about him a year ago and I didn't realize who she was until later. His name is David."

"Are they... like a thing?"

"No. They're...I don't know what they are. I didn't think platonic friendships existed really. But they've been best friends since they were kids. Young kids. She used to get bullied and he started sticking up for her and he's watched her ever since. They're together all the time. He's really protective of her...she's been through a lot."

I debate on asking what else he knows about her but...maybe that's something that she should tell me herself. What has this beautiful stranger been through? And who the fuck is David?

"Brendon, I'm positive that if you fuck things up, he'll be after you in a heartbeat. My dad said that they've been inseperable and he's the wall that every boyfriend has ever had to get through. He said some crap like he's amazed they were never together and maybe she's gay."

I laugh nervously. I'm not intimidated by David but I don't know that I like that they're so close. She could ruin me...I never thought about it as her being the one that could ruin me...

"Earth to Brendon! Do you still wanna give it a shot?" Kenneth snaps his fingers in front of me and I realize our food is here. My favorite. Pancakes with chocolate syrup and strawberries.

"I can't stop thinking about her, Kenneth. I asked her to dinner."

He leans over the table.

"Brendon. Don't. Fuck. Up."

"I'll do my best." I shove pancakes in my mouth to avoid having to continue talking. I'm suddenly much more nervous about my date with Asteria and I can't remember the last time I felt like this.

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