You've Got These Little Things That You've Been Running From

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I've been anxious since I got on this plane. I should have said it. No I shouldn't have. I wouldn't have meant it. Yes I would have. I don't know! 

"Sir, would you like another water?" The stewardess interrupts my thoughts.

"I'm alright, thanks." She takes my cup and checks on the others up here. 

I hope she got on her flight okay. Wait, who's picking her up at the airport? Fuck, I can't message Pete to see if he's doing it. I doubt Davey's doing it. Ever since he started dating Ana they don't talk much. Maybe Ana will do it? Someone needs to get her home! 

"Brendon, can you stop worrying for like at least twenty minutes? You look like you're tweaking," Ken teases. Not now, dude!

"I'm fine. I'm not worried."

"Yeah, let's pretend that's true. She's fine. Calm down."

I nod and try to do so but my mind races the entire flight, which isn't anywhere near as long as hers but it feels like days. When we land and I've gotten my suitcase I check my phone. 

On plane. 

That's it? All of this worrying and all I get is an "on plane"? No hi? No emoji? No I love you? You got your I love you and you blew it. I kick my subconscious in the balls and hop into our van. 

Three hours later, after more worrying and making sure Pete makes it to the airport on time I practically jump off of the bed when I hear my phone go off. Right on time.


What the fuck, Asteria? I give her a call.

"Hey, I can't really talk right now." Her voice is ice cold and completely detached. What is she so upset about? It can't be the I love you thing...

"Is everything okay?" I ask softly.

"Um, yeah. I'm waiting for my baggage. Look, I really have to go."

"Asteria, if you're just waiting in baggage claim, why can't you talk?" The other end stays quiet and I can feel her eye roll over the phone.

"Okay. We can talk until it comes and then I have to call Pete."

"Thank you. How was your flight?" I ask, slightly irritated.


"Did you get any sleep?"

"Not really."

"Are you happy to be back in New York?"


"Asteria, what's going on?" I plead. I stand and move to the hotel window, watching the small city.

"I just don't feel like talking right now, there's a lot on my mind."

"I've been worried about you for these whole six hours. Is this because of what you said at the airport?" She stays quiet for a moment before answering.

"Not really, no."

"Then what is it? You can tell me, Asteria." I'm tugging at my hair. This is giving me anxiety. What's going on?

"My mom called before I got on the plane." Her voice is monotone and shows absolutely no emotion whatsoever.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" 

"Um, my father sent me a letter."

"What did it say?"

"I don't know. I haven't read it. It's in California." She really doesn't want to talk but I can't take not talking right now. Not when I feel like this and when I have no idea what she's feeling.

"Do you want to re-"

"No. My suitcase is here. I have to go."

"Okay...Be safe."

"I will. Bye." Before I can say anything back she's hung up. I take a deep breath and dial.


"David Nathaniel, what the hell have you been doing?" I say angrily.


"Don't 'Bee' me. Why haven't you  been around Asteria?"

"Look, Bren. That's the thing. I'm tired of being like her dad."

"Yeah! Speaking of her dad you colossal douche wad, he sent her a letter!" What an ass. So it's better for him to just not check on her at all? I don't think so. 

"Wait, what? Did she read it?"

"No he sent it to California. Her mom called her to let her know."

"Oh, fuck me."

"Yeah, fuck you!" I shout. "You act like she was hardly your friend to begin with. Pete's really busy, you need to be there for her. You took her other friend."

I hear him let out an irritated sigh over me mentioning his relationship with Ana, but it's true and he needs to fucking hear it. 

"Yeah I'll give her a call in a bit."

"I just got off the phone with her. She doesn't want to talk to any body."

"Yeah, that sounds about right. Listen Bee, when she gets like this you cannot overwhelm her. She's probably having a panic attack or some kind of intense mental shut down because she hasn't heard from him in years and she was under the impression that he was dead. She shut him out of her mind. This is a really big deal," he tries to explain to me but I lose my patience.

"Yeah, I get that it's a really big deal, David. Just go do something about it. Don't sit here and lecture me." I hang up and toss my phone onto the bed before plopping my body on it. This was the worst time to go on tour...

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