Little Did She Know

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-2 weeks later-

I'm back at the airport and my anxiety levels are on high. My ribs are doing a lot better and I'm glad because Brendon has a ridiculous amount of luggage that he needs help with carrying. He keeps insisting that I don't have to help but I think he's more worried about me getting hurt helpping. I don't mind it. It distracts me from wanting to cry over him leaving. 

The past two weeks have been busy. I mean really busy. Between balancing school and the double work at my internship for the hosting job and spending every other waking moment of my life with Brendon I'm a little burnt out but I've gotten to know so much about him. He seems like he always wants to tell me something that he's holding back and I'm wondering what it is that it could be...What goes on in that head of his?

"Alright beautiful, check in time," he smiles. I stand to the side and wait as he and Davey load the baggage on the scale. Davey and I haven't talked much but we're just staying casual friends. I can tell he still feels bad and he can tell I'm still pissed. I check the text that I got earlier as we were coming into the airport.

Hey you! Don't be too sad about your man leaving tonight, we'll have our girls night tomorrow!"

Can't wait! 

I put my phone in my pocket and realize how nice it feels to actually have a friend that's a female. I went back to the dress shop that we got my dress at and Ana was working again so I made her a personally designed thank you card and we brought her a Starbucks gift card as a thank you for using basically her entire shift to help me find the right dress and since then she and I kind of just kept talking and seeing each other. We get along really well and I found out that her real name is Anastasia and she's really nice and completely unaware of who Brendon is which makes the friendship casual.

"Is that Ana?"I look up and Brendon is directly infront of me with Davey behind him. I smile and nod and Brendon adjusts my beanie. "You guys are hanging out later?"

"No, tomorrow. I needed time to grieve," I laugh. He smiles and kisses my forehead. 

"Are you and Davey going to get something to eat after this?" He asks us both and Davey and I awkwardly look at each other. 

"Um...sure?" I say while looking at Davey.

"Sure. Burgers and shakes?" 

"Burgers and shakes," I nod. My watchful guardian looks at me with fear in his eyes and I can tell Brendon and him actually set this up but it's too late now. I might as well face confrontation. 

"Can we head to the security line?" I whine. I don't want to be in the crowded lobby where people are angrily arguing about how the scale is off by half a pound.

"You're that ready to get rid of me?" Brendon laughs but he starts leading the way. Dallon and the guys are waiting for him as well and so is their manager who's name I don't care about because he never cared about mine when we met and he keeps telling Brendon to break up with me.

"Asteria!" They all chime and they run and pull me into hugs. I hug them all back and Kenneth stares at Davey for a very long time. I realize that they never met.

"Oh! Um, guys this is Davey. He's a friend of ours." Davey looks hurt by me not introducing him as my best friend anymore but I think Ana and Dallon hold those titles now since they're who I've seen the most of that aren't Brendon.

"Nice to meet you guys...Um, do I know you? You look really farmiliar. Have I seen you around before?" Davey asks Kenneth and when I look at them there's a huge amount of similarities in their faces. Same forehead, same nose, same eyes. That's weird...

"Hey, you two actually lo-"

"Okay guys!" Brendon interrupts. "As much as I love that we're all friends now I need to say good bye to my beautiful girlfriend while three of you wait in line so we aren't here for three hours."

He pulls me aside and Davey continues talking to Kenneth. I never noticed how alike they looked until I saw them next to each's's almost creepy.

"Asteria, my love," Brendon takes my hands and kisses them. "I am going to miss every part of you. From the top of your head to your cute little feet."

I giggle as he starts planting quick kisses across my face. When he pulls away and laughs we hear shouting and realize it's the rest of the band.

"Get a room!" Dallon screams.

"Stop watching!" We both shout back. Brendon turns back to look at me.

"I really am going to miss you like crazy."

"Me too," I tell him and he puts my face between his hands. "I'll see you in two weeks."

"Two weeks," he nods and he leans in to kiss me. I wrap my arms around his neck and mid kiss he lifts me up and spins me around.

"A little over the top, don't you think?" I say with a laugh as he puts me down.

"Still necessary! I'll skype you as soon as we land and get settled in the room."

"Behave, Urie," I tell him with a glare. He puts his hands up and we walk back to the security line. 

I say bye to the rest of the guys and Dallon hugs me the tightest. 

"I'll watch him for you, just take care of yourself okay? Don't get hurt," he whispers and I nod. Davey and I wave goodbye as they go up the escalator and as soon as we lose sight of Brendon I start to cry. Davey rubs my shoulders like he used to.

"You guys will be alright," he says and I nod. "Let's go get something to eat."

I forgot how smooth Davey drives. I've been prone to motion sickness since my stay in the hospital and I realize that I'm fine when we've finally reached our favorite burger spot near campus. Not a single ounce of dizziness. 

"I'm really sorry about everything I said, Asteria. I didn't mean it, I just didn't want to see you get hurt," he tells me before we've even ordered. 

"It's okay. I'm a handful. It's justified why you got so mad."

"But the way I acted wasn't. I love you, munchkin. I'm sorry."

"I don't really want to say it's okay because I don't really think it is. But I'll forgive you." He looks at me and nods slowly.

"Good. That's a good answer, Asteria. You've grown up so much." 

I look at Davey and there's a sadness about his facial expression that I can't quite figure out the source of but he's also proud of me for something. We eat our burgers and he walks me to my apartment door. 

"Do you...I don't know if it's weird but do you want me to stay over?" He asks awkwardly. "Since it's going to be your first night alone?" 

I give him a small nod but make it clear that he stays on the couch. He goes into my room to grab pajamas and I set up a hot bath and some wine. All I can feel at this point is the emptiness in this apartment without Brendon and it hurts...

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now