For Diamonds Do Appear To Be Just Like Broken Glass to me.

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"I didn't do anything!" I lie as Davey makes his way into the restroom. He looks mad but he kind of just sighs and leans against the-

A loud crash fills the apartments as the tray of candles hits the ground. I look at him with disapproval and frustration and he looks back with annoyance.

"Great, you knocked over her glass candles and tray. I'll go get the white bread." Davey's moment of clumsiness spares me a lecture on my lack of gentlemanly behavior. I'm working on it, alright? I grab two slices of white bread and as I make my way back into the restroom Asteria has her head poked out of her bedroom door.

"Is it broken?" She asks softly.

"Yeah. Thanks to Davey," I jab in and he rolls his eyes. She seems really upset and this as she had better get her a newer and nicer one. I start tossing larger pieces of glass into the garbage bin and Davey watches.

"Dude. Help. You're the one who broke it." He sighs and bends down to start scooping up shards.

"This is what's going to happen to her if you keep that crap up," Davey growls. I hesitate for a second, not wanting to admit that he's right.

"I never saw her as something breakable...I saw her as something permanent," I say in a voice that's almost a whisper. Davey looks at me as he drops another large piece into the bin.

"Good. Then you're finally getting some sense knocked into you." He grabs the white bread and hands me one of the slices. We start dabbing at the bathroom floor with them, scooping up the smallest pieces.

"Yeah...I guess so."

We finish and head into the living room where Asteria is setting the table. The food that we picked up is already in the center. She must be hungry.

"What are you laughing at?" She asks and I try to stifle the chuckling coming from my mouth.

"Are you hungry, sweetie?"

"I'm starving!" She joins me in laughter and Davey comes out of the restroom.

"Yeah that's one of the symptoms of falling asleep in the bathtub," Davey jabs at her.

"It was an accident! And you owe me a new candle tray! You know how much I loved that tray!" Davey and I stare at each other and back at her.

"Wait...what?" We say in unison.

"You were with me when I bought it! And I told you 'oh I finally have the perfect tray for my bath candles'! And you said I put too much effort into organizing this place! We got that in Venice last year when we went back to California it's not like I'm going to find another one exactly like it!"

"Asteria, can you do me a favor?" Davey asks her.

"A favor?! After you broke my favorite candle holder! As if!"

"No, Asteria, shut up for ten seconds. Can you go show me the gift you bought for your mom last month again?"

She stares at him confused and rushes over to her room to get it. Davey and I are both stunned.

"Asteria!" We both scream. She jumps and drops the sweater she was holding up. She waits for a moment and realizes what's happening. Then, like the tray in the bathroom, she falls to the ground and shatters, tears pouring down her face.

"I remember everything," she cries and her body goes weak and collapses onto the floor. She's sobbing and I run over and pick her up, letting her sob into my chest.

"The only thing I didn't remember at first was that I had amnesia," she says brokenly between sobs. I start to cry as well and Davey is doing the same. "I didn't think I'd remember anything else, this is hurting my ribs like hell."

She tries to calm her sobs but does so with little success. She pushes herself off of my chest and smacks my arm.

"And I remember you being annoying when I met you! And what happened at the club!" I start to grow concerned but she tucks herself back into my chest and I'm happy to know that she doesn't mind still being here. I kiss the top of her head and look over at Davey. I know we're both wondering the same thing.

"Do you remember how you got hurt?" I ask instead of the other option...I don't want her to remember.
"No I can't remember that... I don't want to..." She pushes herself farther into my torso. "Oh my God. I can't believe it. It took a stupid nap in the tub for my memory to come back."

"I'll call the doctor," Davey says as he dials a number into his phone.

"What else do you remember, babe?" I ask her as I try to calm her down.

"I remember my first day at school. I remember trying to get a dog and then finding out I'm allergic to them. I remember waking up in the hospital. I don't understand what brought this all back."

"The doctor says congratulations and that it's normal for things to suddenly come back. We don't have anything to worry about. Just healing up now." Davey is fighting the urge to ask her and if he does I'll end up fighting him. " you anyone else here? In New York?"

I slowly start to stand up and my pulse is audible through my ears because my heart is pounding so hard. I start to pull my arm back.

"No...why? Brendon what are you doing?" She sounds terrified and Davey and I stare at her. "Oh God! Disgusting! What did we like, kiss or something?! Gross! That's like incest! I'm going to vomit!"

Davey hangs his head for a brief second and I'm confused...he doesn't have feelings for her...he said so...

"No! That's not it. I just was curious..." He asks as he goes to the table. Asteria is calming down and I rush to get her tissue. She starts dabbing at her eyes and sits at the dinner table. So she doesn't remember...she's free from that curse..maybe it'll be easier for her to trust me.

"I can't wait to call Brian and tell him that I get to host the holiday party!" She says. I almost forgot.

"Wait, what?!" Davey asks. We both look at him and I realize she hasn't told him.

"Oh! Brian asked me to work as the holiday event host if my memory came back in time! And it did! So I'm hosting it in a month! Isn't that awesome?!" I beam at her. She's amazing. Her little red nose and eyes are puffed up but shining and she has a huge grin on her face. Without her make up her features are so soft and sweet. Her unruly bun has strands falling by her face and the base of her neck. She's gorgeous.

"That's great munchkin! Bee, you knew already?" Davey asks me. What's with him?

"She told me in the car in the way to class today." I give him a what the fuck look and he just shakes his head.

"Thank you guys so much. You know, for taking car of me and everything." She reaches over and touches both of our hands and gives them a light squeeze. I lift her hand to mouth and kiss her knuckles.

"We're really proud of you, beautiful. Are you excited for tomorrow?" She nods excitedly and I look over at Davey. "You wanna grab some beers before we go?"

He looks taken aback but nods. We sit and eat dinner together and I'm excited to end this very long week that felt more like a year.

(Author's Note:
Hi guys! I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated but I really hope you guys enjoyed it! I've been trying to update more frequently but I just started university and it's actually really stressful. But oh my gosh I hit 1k views!!! Gonna try to celebrate with a double update today! Thank you so much to those of you that have voted and commented and read this! It means the world!)

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora