Already A Part of Her

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I've finished putting on my dress and curling my hair and all that's left is make up. I debate on whether or not I should cover my tattoos and decide that...well...if the evening goes well...he'll eventually see them anyway. I move on to my make, putting on a deep red lip stain and adding fake eye lashes. I'm pretty satisfied with my appearance when I hear my buzzer go off. I rush to the living room to answer, forgetting I'm in heels and tripping halfway.

"Ow, fuck, stupid piece of shit. Hello????" I struggle to say as I try to recover from almost completely twisting my ankle.

"Asteria? It's me. I'm two minutes early. Didn't wanna be late." I roll my eyes because I know he's probably smiling with his tongue between his teeth and ignore Davey's advice and slide on the boots. They're not awful boots. They're a little beat up but they're studded so that makes them dressy to a point and it matches my jewelry so he can suck it. I double check my appearance one last time and there's a knock on the door.

Okay, Asteria. You've got this. It's not even like a first date it's more like a second date. So why be nervous? Why hesitate to open the door? Why...why the hell is he looking at me like that?

When I open the door he goes from a perfectly normal face to this really profound and confused expression and I have no idea what it means but then I look at him, I mean really look at him, and I'm sure I'm giving the same look back.

I actually can't breathe. I'm actually going to die because of how perfect he looks. I'm not ready for this. I stand no chance I don't even know why he's here. I don't even get - oh my God Asteria breathe or say something! I shut the door and take a large gasp of air. What the hell am I doing?

I straighten up and open the door again to a very puzzled, very handsome, very sexy, very perfect Brendon Urie. I open my mouth and stutter a bit before forming a sentence like an idiot.

"I I necket ga...I gack...I need to get a jacket!" I sputter. "You can come in!" Asteria what are you doing your apartment has dirty dishes in it. Before I can object he cautiously steps in and I can't believe I let him come in here without me having cleaned.

"Your apartment is really nice, Asteria." She shrugs.

"Sorry its a mess," I tell him and he laughs. Brendon Urie is laughing at me because I am a huge slob.

"What are you talking about? Are you OCD?"

"No but I haven't dusted or vacuumed since last weekend and my shoes are in here," I rush to grab the heels I tripped on and take them to my room while I grab my leather jacket and hope that he hasn't gone in the kitchen.

When I'm out I notice that he's not at my kitchen but my desk and that's so much worse. I cringe as he scans through my picture board. Half of it is pictures of him and Panic! at an old tour date and the rest is Fall Out Boy, My Chem, and pictures of me with my family and me with Davey. I mean there are doodles on there too but I'm not as embarrassed by that. When he turns I know I'm redder than a New York traffic light and he has a giant smile on my face.

"That's me." I nod. "You like my band." I nod again, unsure of where this is going. He walks to me and pulls me over to my picture board. "Did you take these?"

I nod again. I'm too embarrassed to speak. The night is ruined. He's going to leave thinking I'm some crazed fan and he probably thinks I'll lock him in my closet. I've grown up a lot since thirteen, I understand now that that's irrational! And it's not like we're gonna get married. Shut up you're meant to be my fifteen year old self yells at me from the past.

"Asteria, why didn't you tell me you liked my music?" I shake my head. I have no idea what to say.

"Look, we met!" He points to a picture if him and my fourteen year old self. "You were so little! And you never grew!"

He compares our heights from the photo and right now and he must have grown because in the photo my head is just under his chin and now it's just under his shoulder.

"This is adorable. I can't believe you have all of these pictures here." Before I know it his arms are squeezing me into his chest and Beebo- I mean- Brendon is kissing my forehead.

"Let's go to dinner. Thank you for letting me in and letting me see this, this is incredible." He leads me out the door by the small of my back and I feel myself burst into goosebumps. We get to his car and he opens the door for me. I rush in because I'm weak at the knees. When he's back in the car he grins at me and then puts the keys in the ignition.

"You're not weirded out?" I ask shakily.

"By what?"

"That I'm...a fan of yours?" He let's out a small laugh.

"Why? It's not like you're gonna keep me in your closet if I go back into your apartment. Why would I be weirded out?"

What was wrong with me when I was thirteen?

"I just. I don't know I kind of didn't want you to know. I thought you would think it was weird. I'm sorry." I look out the window, too embarrassed to look at him. I feel his hand pull mine from my lap and he takes it in his. My heart is already fluttering, but when he puts my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles one by one I'm afraid I'll die of a heart attack.

"Asteria, I absolutely love that you like my music. Don't be so self conscious. It'll ruin your appetite." He puts the car in park and unbuckles his belt. "Ready to do this?"

(Hey guys! Been getting a lot of votes lately so I thought a log update was in order! I hope you're all enjoying and thank you to the voters t means so much! Also, what did everyone think of the Hallelujah video????)

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now