Things Are Shaping Up To Be Pretty Odd

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I let the hot water run across my tense muscles and breathe. Thank God for Davey. I need to take self defense classes or kick boxing or even fucking krav maga. I can't be in that kind of situation again. You backed yourself into a fucking wall, Asteria. You're a fucking joke.

"Munchkin! You've got a text and it's almost 8:00!"

I wrap a towel around my body and step out in my cat slippers. The smell of pancakes, coffee, and strawberries fills the apartment. I smile to myself and head to my room. I slip on black leggings, a striped tank top, and a dark grey cardigan.

"Davey! Spidey or Cap?!"


I nod in agreement as I slide my spiderman socks on, followed by my classic hi top chucks. I check the time and its only 7:35. He must have rushed me so we could have breakfast together. I sit at the table and patiently wait for chef Davey to serve me. He's always been a better cook than me.

"You should keep your hair like that, it's cute." I raise an eyebrow at him. "What? You never keep your hair all messy in a bun thing. It's different."

"Why do you always get weird weird when something like this happens?"

"I'm not being weird I'm just saying!" He says as he places a stack of five pancakes topped with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and strawberries in front of me. He then brings me my coffee mug. "Two tablespoons of French vanilla creamer, just how you like it."


"How am I going to lose weight when you serve me five pancakes David?" We both laugh but I know I'll eat the whole thing, remembering I didn't eat any dinner yesterday.

While we eat I check my phone and the text is from Brendon.

Good morning, beautiful. I can't wait to see you tonight. I won't be late.

It's a date.

Lucky me.

I shake my head and smile as I place my phone down.

"So it's him then?" Davey asks with a smile. I nod and shove a large bite of pancake in my mouth.

"What are you going to wear?"


Davey looks at me with disapproval and heads to my room, digging through my closet. I can hear his grunts of disapproval from the dining area. I know he's found something when I hear some mix between a hiss and gasp.

"When the fuck did you buy this?" He brings out a dress that I've never worn because I've never had anywhere to wear it to. It's a short black dress. It pinches in at the waistline and has a petticoat underneath that makes it flow when you swing side to side. It cuts off like a strapless dress at the top and the sleeves are a lacy floral material. The chest is open but closes again at the top and has an open back. I had forgotten all about it.

"Um... A while ago? Should I wear that?"

"Yes. Fuck yes. But for the love of God, Asteria please don't wear it with boots."

"But I-"


"They're so-"


"Can't I just-"


"Uuuugh fine!" I groan. "I have to go do my make up. You should shower. You fucking smell."

He laughs and steps into the bathroom while I head to my vanity and do a quick, basic amount on my face. Foundation, powder, winged eyeliner, mascara, eye brow filler, done. I take Davey's advice and leave my hair in a bun, mostly because I'd rather burn my hair for the date than for school. I pack my bag and get ready to sit in the traffic.

On the way, a homeless man asks me for change and I tell him I have none but offer him one of my snack bars. He takes it happily and carries on. I wonder what it is that he went through to end up on the street.

When I get to school I've only got fifteen minutes to get to class, so I half walk half jog to my usual pit stop. There, a homeless woman waits, setting up her tarot cards as usual.

"Hey Mina!" I exclaim as I take my usual seat in front of her.

"Asteria! Good morning!" She smiles sweetly and I grasp her hands in greeting.

"I'm running a little late this morning. Any way to do a quick reading?" I pull a ham and cheese sandwich out of my bag and hand it to her.

"Of course darling. Not with the cards, though." She reaches into her bag and pulls out a small round orb. A crystal ball. I sit patiently as she organizes it and then closes her eyes as she instructs me to look into it.

"Congratulations on your big job, darling. What is this? Romance?" She asks as she opens her eyes and gazes back into the ball.

"This one, he is hard to read Asteria. He's very handsome, but cautious. Like you, he is wounded but you have different ways of coping. Do not be too trusting and be wary of old friends. You also have a pop quiz today."

"Your crystal ball told you I have a pop quiz?"

"No darling, some students in your class mentioned it. But remember. Be wary of old friends." I nod and thank her as I rush to class, reviewing my notes from the previous lecture on the way.

I grab my face and tap my pencil on the desk. I'm awful at math. And I'm awfully distracted. My mind is much more concentrated on how dinner will go tonight and my stomach is tightening because this is a dream come true and I know that somehow I'll ruin it.

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