We Must Reinvent Love

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I feel a force hit me in the ribs. Hard. I choke and spit out my own blood. My vision is going blurry and my body is going numb. Another kick to the ribs and I'm looking for a reason to fight but I can't feel my body.

I jump awake from my nightmare. It was all too real. I could taste the blood and feel the pain I my ribs...no wait.. That is real pain. My medication must have worn off. I try to forget the nightmare and quietly make my way to the kitchen, careful not to wake Brendon. I have to go through at least eight cupboards before finding the cups and I'm not too sure that I did so quietly. I pour myself some water and grab my pills, but the bottle slips out of my hand and lands on the floor. I wince at the sound and check to see if I've woken Brendon up but when I look up he's standing in the doorway rubbing one eye and yawning.

"What's wrong?" He says mid-yawn. He's perfection. I don't even hear what he's asking at first. He's shirtless and his pajama pants hang just under his hips. Hello hormones, it's good to know you're working. Is it hot in here? "Asteria?"

"Uh! I uh...um..." I forgot why I'm in the kitchen. Real smooth, Asteria. You didn't hit your head that hard!

"Oh, it must have worn off." He bends down and grabs the pill bottle from the floor, popping it open and handing me one. When he places it in my hand he kisses my knuckles. I swallow the pill and gulp down the rest of the water. "There we go. Now back to bed. Tomorrow is going to be long and hard."

"Yeah," I sigh, knowing I won't get much sleep. At least that's what I think until a bright idea strikes. Hopefully it won't be uncomfortable and he's up for it. "Um, Brendon?"


"Would you...maybe want to...sleep next to me tonight?" I ask shyly. His pupils dilate as he process the question and he let's out a breath of a laugh.

"Of course." He kisses the top of my head and picks me up. He carries me to the room bridal style and his warm skin alone is already relaxing me and making me tired. His scent is overwhelming and I'm sure he can hear how heavy I'm breathing.

He lies me down and covers me before getting under the covers himself. My left side hurts too much to sleep on so I stay on my right, facing him. He smiles at me and scoots closer.

"Sleep, beautiful." I feel myself fighting it, trying to revel in this because it's something that I never could have dreamed would actually happen. He puts his arms around me and pulls me into his chest. I feel myself falling back into sleep in my little piece of heaven.


I wake up to Fall Out Boy's Young Volcanoes and Brendon's groaning. We haven't moved places since we fell asleep and I'm more than happy to wake up enveloped in his warmth.

"Asteria, why do you wake up so early?" He reaches over to turn off the alarm on my phone before returning to his embrace.

"I have to get ready. School, remember?" I say sleepily. I curl up closer to his chest, not wanting to leave.

"Yeah. We have to get there early today. We need to talk to your instructors." I nod. I'm afraid. What if I can't finish this semester? What do I do about school? I sigh and get up while Brendon stretches.

"Okay, beautiful. You get ready. I'm gonna use the restroom really fast and go get us breakfast."

When Brendon comes out of the restroom he flashes me a freshly brushed smile and he's tamed his hair. He tells me goodbye before he leaves and I make my bed and lay out an outfit for him to help me change into. I'm amazed at the size of my make up collection. I rush to the restroom and brush my teeth, excited to play with the make up I don't remember buying.

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now