He Was Just Hanging Around And He Fell In Love

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My head spins as Brendon pulls me onto him and kisses me, moving his hands gently up and down my back and sides. He gently bites my bottom lip as he grabs my hips and I'm eager for more.

"Asteria," he whispers once I start running my hands along his shoulders and chest.

He sits himself up and lifts me with him, running his hand up my spine again but this time it goes into my hair and he lightly grabs at it. I can't help but gasp and he sits me on his lap. He breaks away from our kiss and starts planting smaller kisses along my jawline and down my neck. He moves his hands under my shirt and the cold of his fingers leaves goosebumps on my skin. He pulls me closer to him and I feel him underneath me. I lose control and I reach for the waistline of his pants.

"A-Asteria," he jumps and stutters as he tries to get my hands off of his belt. I shush him.

"No, Asteria, stop." He gently grabs my hands and pulls them away. "Not yet."

I stare at the man that wanted to use me for sex a few weeks ago and I'm in awe that I'm being turned down. He pulls me off of his lap, his pupils fill his eyes and his face is flushed. He bites his lip when he looks at me before he pushes my hair behind my ear.

"I want to. I really want to. But this is just too soon." He touches my face gently, cautious with his rejection.

"B-but I-"

"You're so cute when you stutter," he says in a low whisper. "This is really hard for me to do, it's not something I'm used to. But trust me. Not now."

I don't know what to say. I stare at him, speechless. I don't know if I'm upset or happy or sad or if I feel respected or rejected.

"Maybe, if I'm lucky enough, one day." I close my eyes and nod, appreciating that he stopped it before things went any further.

"How did you know?" I ask quietly. I don't remember ever telling him I was a virgin. He looks at me nervously and shifts in his seat.

"Davey told me..."

David Nathaniel Mallowitz I will fucking destroy you the next time I see you.

"Don't be mad at him. I'm glad he did. That's something I need to earn." I nod and rest my head on his shoulder. He's right. I shouldn't be so quick about this. Even if he has been the man of my dreams since before I even hit puberty. I let out a long sigh. "That was a pretty big sigh for someone with broken ribs."

I look up at him and he's smirking at me. I give him a light punch in the arm.

"This seems like a good time for dessert," he laughs and reaches into the basket.


"I made dessert too!" I laugh as he pulls two gigantic cupcakes out of the picnic basket.

"Brendon these are the biggest cupcakes I have ever seen!"

"Yeah I used some weird jumbo muffin tin! I hope you like them. A toast! To old memories returnig and new ones in the making!" He says in some sort of olden English accent. I giggle as he touches his cupcake with mine in the way that people do with wine glasses. He takes a large bite and when he pulls away there's pink frosting on his nose. When I laugh he takes another bite and is sure to smear it onto his face even more, giving him a frosting goatie.

"Your gentlemanly manners have me swooning, Urie." He gives me a wink as he licks the frosting off of his lips.

After talk about hopes, dreams, and the tour we pack up and start heading back to my apartment. He parks and walks me to my door but we both move slowly, not wanting the night to end.

"Did you...enjoy purbdate?" He asks shyly, color flushing his cheeks.

"Much better than our other first date," I laugh and he grins and rolls his eyes.

"I'm a little disappointed that there was no pasta smearing on anyone's dress tonight." I give him a light shove and we reach the door.

"Good night, goddess," he whispers as he gently tilts my chin up and gives me a soft kiss. He looks me up and down after he pulls away, bites his lip, and turns on one heel. He looks back once and gives an awkward wave as I open my door. I give him a small smile and step inside.

When I shut the door I do an embarrassing mix between a dance and jump. I let at a long sigh and lean against the door, letting myself absorb the night I just spent with the man of my dreams.

"Well if you have the time to go out I would assume you'd have the time to call me," a chilling voice says and I don't need to turn on the light to find out who it is. Id know that menacing tone anywhere...

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