Drop Every Pretense

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Brendon's POV:

I pick up my phone hoping Asteria has sent me a text but the only notifications I have are through twitter. I let out a large sigh without realizing it and take a sip of my tea.

"Brendon. What did you do after the meeting?" Daniel asks me. I shrug and take another sip, hoping to avoid the question while Dallon raises an eyebrow at me.

"Brendon. Now." I sigh and come clean.

"I had lunch with Asteria."

"And?" Kenneth presses. I can tell they're all ready to kick my ass.

"And that's it we had lunch!"

"Brendon, you're going to ruin that girl," Daniel sighs.

"That's exactly what I told him at the studio! I saw you looking at her Brendon. She's a nice girl she's not another challenge for you. She's not something that you just conquer." Dallon is out of breath from his little lecture.

"You thought it was funny at the studio! What changed?" I'm beyond irritated that he's trying to parent me.

"I heard her coworkers talking about her on the way out while you were focused on getting it in. Do you know what they said about her? Do you have any idea?"

I sigh and realize that his lecture has only just begun.


"They said, 'when she first came in I thought she slept her way through the interview until I saw how much Brian hated her'. One of them tried to say as many bad things as she could and the other explained that she's the nicest person she's ever met! She carries extra food in her bag for the homeless, she spends her holidays working at shelters and abuse homes, she's the kind of girl that doesn't need to be destroyed by you."

It takes me a second to process what he's saying and for a second I feel guilty. I wasn't going to just use her. I mean I do like her at least a little bit. But now...she doesn't seem like an easy hook up and I don't know that I want to turn her into another-

"Brendon, did you listen to a single thing I jut said?" Daniel interrupts my thoughts.

"Sorry... I was... Thinking."

"Don't play this one Brendon. People like that hardly exist and I'm not about to let you ruin her."

"What if I like her? What if I care about her?"

They all roll their eyes and Dallon laughs.

"If you actually care about her, if you actually would still want her if someone told you you would never have sex with her, then go for it. Otherwise, that's it. But you'd better be sure, Brendon."

I roll my eyes and drink my tea. Yeah I like her and they don't know what she wants. That's up to me isn't it? Me and her? Why the hell are they jumping into it?

When we've finished I go back to my apartment alone. I throw myself face down on my bed and think about what Asteria is really like. I've changed...I don't just destroy girls anymore. I'm a different person.

At least...I think I am. Or I could be. She could change me...she really could. Someone that beautiful could definitely change something. I decide not to call her tonight. I don't know if I want to be the one to go for it anymore after tonight's little lecture. But all I can think about while I try to sleep is the porcelain goddess with silver hair and big brown eyes.

(Another double update! It might turn into a triple. I've been sick in bed all day which means tons of time to write. Thanks to everyone for reading! Hope you enjoy!)

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