Your Melody Sounds As Sweet As The First Time It Was Sung

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I'm still laughing as I struggle to get the barbecue sauce off of me and hope the smell doesn't last. I'm thankful that Davey doesn't use the Axe shower collection and has just regular soap. Once I feel like the smell is officially off and I feel clean again, I make my way out of the restroom. I can't wear the same shirt because it's pretty covered, so I walk out without one.

"Hey Davey, do you have a-" I cut myself off when I see Asteria.

"Yeah...Let me go get it." His mood is completely different and he takes off to grab me a shirt.

Asteria is looking at the baby and talking to her and the baby's smile is just as big as hers. Her voice is soft as she lulls the baby and she looks so...happy.

"You have such beautiful eyes, pretty girl. And such a pretty smile," she coos to the infant. I stay where I am, careful not to interrupt her. But I can't stop watching. "Let's get you to sleep now, okay sweetie? Your mommy is probably worried about you."

The baby makes small baby sounds and I think it's trying to talk to her. She starts sucking her thumb and Asteria let's out a small breath of a laugh. She stands up from the couch and starts singing to her. I'm surprised when it's one of our songs that she chooses.

"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed,
then we should feed our jewelry to the sea.
For diamonds do appear to be,
just like broken glass to me.
And then she said she can't believe genius only comes
along in storms of fabled foreign tongues.
Tripping eyes and flooded lungs,
The northern downpour sends its love."

I love you, I think as I feel tears fill my eyes, my own personal northern downpour. Wait what? Why would I think that? Love? No...That's...a reflex...from our tour...that's something I did on our tour. Oh thank God I didn't say that out loud. I jump when I feel Davey shove the shirt into my chest.

"Whoa, sorry. I didn't think I'd scare you," he says as he starts to go back into the kitchen. I don't acknowledge it. What I'm more focused on is the fact that this baby fell asleep faster than I thought. Asteria stops singing and kisses the top of the baby's head. She looks over at me and then at Davey with wide eyes.

"Um...can one of you...please open the door? I should take her back to her mom...Sorry....I forgot that...well that you guys were here..." she mutters softly and awkwardly.

"That's you, my friend. The door to the right," Davey says as he gives me a nod. I slip the shirt on and grab the door. I don't know what to say when the mother answers the door, but I thankfully don't need to come up with anything.

"Oh my God, that was so fast!" she whispers to Asteria. Asteria gives her a smile as she gently hands the baby off to her. "Do you live with Davey?"

"No, I don't. But I think I visit a lot," Asteria says in a soft voice. "I'll give you a knock when I come by in case you could use any help?"

The mother thanks her and nods dramatically. Asteria gives her a warm smile before we go back into Davey's apartment.

"It was cold in that hallway, wasn't it?" She says shivering.

"Yeah...we're almost in winter. It'll probably start snowing in a few-"

"Snow?! I've never seen snow!" She says excitedly as she bounces on the balls of her feet. I smile at her and nod. "Wow that's so cool! Do I even have clothes for that?!"

"You have plenty," Davey calls from the kitchen with a laugh. "Now that you're done playing mommy can you set the table so we can eat?"

"Fine, dad." She huffs into the kitchen. I laugh and help her.

Once we start eating I can't stop staring at her and thinking about her and the baby. That looked right for her. She looked...beautiful.

"So you want kids?" I blurt out. Her and Davey both look at me like I'm crazy.

"Um...we asked you if you wanted more corn bread. Be cool, Bee." Asteria giggles at the new name Davey's given me.

"Bee, that's cute. And yeah...I do."

"Ugh. Bee, don't get her started because she won't stop."

"That's mean!" Asteria gives him a small shove.

"Fine. Start your kid talk. I'll time you." Davey takes out his phone and sets it next to him.

"I...well I want two. A boy and a girl. But I want to boy to be older so hopefully if I get to have them I have a boy first. And I want to name the boy Noah and the girl Charlie. I just really love kids!" She continues for a while, talking about how she hopes she has them and how she hopes that she'll be a good mom as if there'd be a chance she wouldn't. It makes me feel differently about her...a good kind of different. But it makes me nervous... I wouldn't be able to have kids. I'd be gone all the time. There'd be no point...

"Congratulations! You've been talking about children for fifteen minutes!" Davey chimes. Asteria let's out an embarrassed sigh.

"You'd make a great mom," I tell her and she lights up all over again. She practically talks about kids until it's time to take her home.

"Thanks Davey! Sorry for scaring you," she says as she goes to hug him.

"Thanks for the shirt. I'll bring it back washed as soon as I can." He nods and we say our good byes.

When we get back to Asteria's apartment she jumps in the shower and I call Kenneth.

"Dude I haven't heard from you in a while! Is everything okay?"

"It's a long story. Do you feel like meeting up for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Yeah! Just not as early as last time."

"Is like nine thirty okay?"

"Yeah dude, that's great. did your date go?" He asks with a smirk.

"It's a really long story. I'll tell you at breakfast." He laughs and we hang up. I'm thankful to be around people I know again. This whole process has been pretty isolating. I almost hope he brings Dallon. What are they going to think of all this?

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now