Just A Villain Vying For Attention

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I wake up in Brendon's arms, curled into his chest just like I was when I fell asleep. I blink my eyes and take him in. I realize that it's dark in the hotel room. What time is it? The moonlight dances on his skin and I gently kiss his chin before carefully leaving my sanctuary. I check the time on my phone. It's two in the morning. I rub my eyes and start picking up my clothes from the floor, sliding on the leggings and v-neck I was wearing earlier over my underwear and bra. That's it. I'm not a virgin anymore. I'm Brendon's now. And I have no problem with that. I feel a throbbing sensation in my lower body, especially there, and I realize that this is what he meant about being sore. It hurts a little bit, but it isn't intolerable. I make my way to the restroom and then head back towards the bed. Before crawling into it I realize that I'm starving. We never had pizza!

I step into the kitchen and see a blinking light. It must be Dallon's phone. I hear him snoring in the other room and decide it would be funny to change his screen saver to a picture of me with five chins. When I unlock his phone a text message conversation is open. It's to Brendon. I don't mean to read it...but once I have its too late...

I completely drop to the floor and I have to read the messages over again about ten times before I process that it's actually real...

and to think we thought it would only take day or two to sleep with the prudy silver haired girl when you met her in that studio. glad you finally pulled through with a challenge lol

My mind races back to the day that I had my meeting with them. I remember Dallon leaning to Brendon and whispering and Brendon laughing. He laughed. My thoughts trail back to the lunch we had. That must be why he took me to that spot...This was what he wanted from the beginning...I feel my heart collapse and I can't bring myself to get up from the kitchen floor. This whole time. This entire fucking time I've been this little joke to them. Everything makes sense...

The phone conversation I overheard. The way he kept teasing me on our first few dates. The reason Davey didn't like leaving us alone. Davey knew. I feel myself breaking into sobs and I feel myself going back to two years ago. I feel myself crumbling. I believed him. I believed everything he told me...

This can't be right...This has to be some kind of misunderstanding...There has to be another Brendon that Dallon knows...This can't be my Brendon. There's only one way to find out...

I quietly make my way back into the bedroom and he's still asleep. My stomach lurches when I look at him. The text won't be on his phone...it won't be there...It's not real...I'm having a nightmare and when I wake up I'll be back in bed and he'll tell me how much he loves me...I pinch my arm, scratch at my neck, tug at my hair. Anything to get me to wake up but it won't happen...

I pick Brendon's phone up from inside of the jeans he left laying on the floor and sure enough the text is there...This can't be right...Asteria, breathe. Don't just jump to conclusions...Maybe if I keep scrolling up I'll see it. I skim the texts and try to find the point of the conversation from the day that we met. 

D: did you check on her? you're taking forever. unless ur already fucking in the breakroom lol

B: shut the fuck up lol she's following me into the studio right now. nothing yet. she's fiesty.

D: you've always been the one to be up for a challenge

B: yeah but have you seen this challenge's ass? lmao

D: i doubt you'll get her today

B: probably. she's a little bitchy. maybe tomorrow. 

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