She Said She Won the World At A Carnival

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My head is spinning as I feel his sweet kisses slowly and gently being planted on my lips. I'm overwhelmed as his hand makes its way to my lower back and I place mine on the back of his neck. My breathing is incredibly heavy and I know I'm probably shaking because I'm so nervous. He pulls my body closer to his and both of his hands find my hips. When he grabs them I can't help but gasp and I've decided that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and no one's ever turned down a once in a-

"What the fuck?" My thoughts are interrupted but a man's shouting and the sound of the door opening. I jump back and Brendon grabs my hand.

"What the fuck are you two doing up here? Get the fuck out of here! Fucking vandals!" I look at Brendon and we both can't stop laughing as we grab the remnants of our lunch and race back down the stairs.

We're still laughing as we get into the elevator and I wipe the tears from the corners of my eyes.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry we had to cut lunch short," he tells me, still chucking. He pushes his hair back as he laughs.

"Its fine I'm probably hitting close to my hour anyway," I tell him while I giggle like an idiot.

"You know what you are, Asteria?" He asks me in a soft voice.

"What?" I ask him. We've both stopped laughing and the elevator is reaching the lobby.

"A fucking vandal," he giggles and it sets us both off into another fit of laughter.

We leave the building and sit on the curb outside to finish our food. Still smiling.

"So how long have you been drawing?" He asks as he bites his sandwich. I'm taken aback by his question but answer.

"Well...since I was four. But I didn't really start taking art classes until my second year in college. I'm in the last half of my third." He smiles at my answer and I'm slightly embarrassed.

"So what were you doing the first year?" I tuck my hair behind my ear before answering and look at the ground.

"Well I was a different major."

"Which was?"


We both stop and look at each other and laugh.

"Business? Asteria...why?" He asks between laughs.

"Financial security!" I shout as I shove him playfully. "And then I realized that I'm awful at math and I hate being clean cut."

"What are you talking about? Everything about you shouts CEO!" I roll my eyes and shake my head as I take my last couple of bites.

"So you've been going to school for three years, how long have you been at Fueled by Ramen?"

"About four months..."

"Really?! You're doing great then for being there for such a short amount of time." I blush when he says it.

"Yeah a lot of people don't get to work with the musicians directly, even if they're full time hires..."

"That says a lot about you," he says with a smile. I look at the ground, knowing I didn't deserve the opportunity.

"Yeah...I got lucky, honestly... Really lucky." I swallow hard. I'm getting more and more nervous. Why does he want to know more about me? What is even happening?

"I think I did too," he says as he pulls my face to look at his. He places a small kiss on my cheek and stands up. "Come on, I don't want you to be late."

I take his hand as he helps pull me up and he walks me back to the office building.

"Asteria, before I forget," he says as he reaches into my pocket. He dials a number in my phone and pulls his out of his pocket. My number appears on his screen and he saves it. "If...I try to behave...would you like to get dinner some time? For longer than an hour?"

I give him a small nod and he smiles. He tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Back to work, slacker." He kisses my forehead and watches me as I walk back into the building in disbelief. It takes me a moment to be able to move because I know I'm living the dream of thousands of girls and I don't see why it's me...

As I sit in my cubicle and start up my laptop my phone chimes.

You'd better be working you fucking vandal.

I laugh and can't help but roll my eyes.

I'd be able to if I wasn't being bothered by the likes of you.

Thanks for the lunch date. Would've been nice if my coffee was warm. I'll give you a call later.

I smile at the texts. This is real. I really just went on a date with Brendon Urie. Okay, Asteria. Focus. You have really important deadlines to meet.

But I can't focus. Most of my day is spent only on the design for the single and before I know it's time for me to start heading to campus for my life drawing class. I pack up quickly and rush to the restroom, changing into some black skinny jeans and a Frankenstein tee. I throw some toms on and rush to my car, knowing I'll be late with the New York traffic. And on the way the only thing I can think about is how lucky I am and how undeserving I am of all of this.

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt