A Taste of What You've Paid For

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"Look, I know what I did was wrong but you find every excuse you can to torment me and run into my life at the worst moments. I've constantly apologized for what happened and you keep coming back and I don't even know how you found me!" I'm nervous and out of breathe, unable to process everything happening. She smirks at me.

"You don't seem to understand that you're a horrible human being," she says. She's right. I know that. "You think you've changed? I can't wait to hear about how you've broken another human being. I can't wait to see what happens to this girl when she shatters because of you. I heard your little set on the radio and I hear everyone talking about her. I can't wait to hear about Brendon Urie's next victim. What are you going to do to this one?"

"No, I am different. She really has changed me."

"Yeah, that's what you said about me. 'Oh, Caroline, you're different. Those other girls they were to fill something inside of me that you fill instead. I love you. I want to marry you' doesn't that sound farmiliar?" She spits. I feel guilt seep through my body.

"I was wrong...I'm sorry..."

"Yeah well, you weren't sorry when you took my virginity and slept with my mom, so."

"What do you want from me, Caroline? Why do you keep coming back?" I feel myself crumbling. I don't know why I did it but I did. It's in the past. I'm not that person anymore. this was years ago...

"It's satisfying to see how empty you really are after how empty you made me," she says coldly and then she turns to leave the hotel room. "Brendon?"


"You're going to die alone. I hope she hurts you. I hope she breaks you. I hope that she's the reason you can't sleep and end up hating yourself...I hope she shows you how awful you really are..."

She steps out and I slowly crumble at the thought of not having my goddess. I can't tell her...she'd leave...

I head towards Dallon's room and he seems angry when he answers the door. His hair is hell and I can tell he's mad because I woke him up from a nap.

"What? You miss your girlfriend?" he sings. 

"I need to talk about...Caroline." He snaps awake at the name and pulls me inside.

"What happened?!"

"She just left my hotel room." I'm shocked when I feel his palm cross my face.


"NO! SHE JUST SHOWED UP!" I scream as I back away and get ready to run out of the apartment. He takes deep breaths to calm down.

"You START with that kind of information! Not with the leaving portion! What happened?!" 

"She just came by to bother me! Again! I'm never going to get rid of her!" I complain and I throw myself on his bed. He plops next to me.

"You fucked up, that's not on her." I let out a loud sigh. "It's the truth. Have you told her?"

"I'm not telling her," I insist. Dallon shoots up.

"What do you mean you're not telling her?!"

"Dallon she won't want anything to do with me!"

"And that's because of your choices!" he shouts and he hits me upside the head. I didn't realize I'd get slapped around in my time of need. "You need to own up to that, be a man, be honest, and hope for the best! She's a great girl, Brendon and you're just going to ruin this!"

"She never has to know, Dallon!" Caroline's right. I am a horrible person.

"She deserves to know," he insists. I take a deep breath. 

"Let me call her. I just need to hear her." Dallon rolls his eyes and gets back under the covers of his bed. When I pull my phone out of my pocket and get ready to dial her number I realize that the call log has her name in it...and the call was about fifteen minutes ago...


"Whaaaat?" he groans.

"I pocket called her..." 

We both just sit and stare at my phone. I try to call back but five calls later she still isn't picking up. My heart's falling out of my chest and I wonder how much she heard. I haven't even been gone for a full day and already I've ruined my relationship...

(Hey guys!!! Soooooooo mid terms happened and Halloween is going to be a week late in the fanfic world but why not keep the spirit going right? Sorry for the delays you guys!!!)

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